Friday, March 28, 2008
Chapter 3: Hope
Chapter 2: Small Investments
I know that I'm here, with this family, that was created out of love for a reason. I drive through my old neighborhood and think how lucky I am to have made it out. There are many people I grew up with that never made it out of that neighborhood. I'm not condemning them but a majority of those that stayed ended up in prison, dead, or repeating the cycle of dysfunction that they were subject to. That wasn't for me.
I was lucky. As a child I always had family or people around that invested in me. My Aunt Connie DeLaGarza was one of the first. Besides being my Aunt she was also my Godmother. This woman taught me so much in my early years. When my mom worked double shifts on the weekend my Aunt took care of me. She wouldn't allow gossiping or bad mouthing in her home. If my mom came after work on Sunday to get me, Aunt Connie would make sure that I was showered, packed, and ready for bed. This was done because she knew that my mom would be tired after working all weekend. I remember watching the Sunday Night Disney Special waiting for my mother to arrive. Aunt Connie would have Q-Tips in my ears cleaning them out. I often prayed that my mom would arrive sooner then later because Aunt Connie didn't have the softest touch. But her touch had love.
I drifted away from my Aunt as I grew older. But that investment came again. It was from the next door neighbors. Tony Carr was six years older. His mother was Mary Stanhope and his father was Stan Stanhope. Stan was Tony's step dad but you'd never know. He raised Tony from a child. We happened to move in the neighborhood and our neighbors were the best. Tony was like a big brother. Mary & Stan were good examples on all levels. All this right next door. I say that because we had a variety of people in that Kansas City, KS neighborhood that we could have been positioned with. Alcoholics, drug users, pushers, and criminals. We got Tony and his family.
Tony's family worked and they had a good life. They had a camper trailer in the back yard that we often slept in for fun. Tony had motorcycles that he raced. Suzuki RM-125's. I would go to the races on the weekend and watch Tony. To describe one incident or occasion to define their investment would be impossible, it was a constant and I thank them for the positive environment they created around me and for me.
The last memorable investment or influence was Dr. Frank Jones & Beverly Jones. They were the parents of my best friend Nick Jones. Their address was 5600 High Drive in Mission Hills, KS. I became friends with Nick in 1976. Our introduction was made at St. Agnes Catholic School in Roeland Park, KS. We became best friends instantly and have remained best friends ever since.
Nick's family exposed me to a different way of life. They had materialistic things and it made me want. They lived a rich lifestyle because Frank was a Doctor but more importantly he was a money making machine. He had property, restaurants, businesses, and respect. He was the man. I got to vacation with them at their house at the Lake of the Ozarks and Siesta Keys Florida. I also traveled other places with the family. Those experiences helped create something in me that wanted. I wanted to be successful like Doc!
So I encourage you to invest. Invest in a nephew, neighbor, or someone that could use that influence or attention. It is easy to do just what's expected but sometimes when you reach out a little further it can be just enough to steer someone in the right direction.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Chapter 1: The Definition of a Man
I must confess that I am a dreamer. I have this thing inside me that wants to carve out this little existence for me and my family. I want to succeed on my own terms. It's my dreams that I work for every day. But at what cost? How simple would it be to get on someone else's payroll? Put the hustle away and get up every morning and have my day planned. Work for a wage. It sounds simple but it's not me.
Tonight is the start of something new for me. I am going to document me. My day, my life, and my future. The Kaylee writings are going to have to stop for now. She needs her room and she needs to get back at being a teenager. Private and personal. She wants to move forward and I don't blame her. I'm not done working my way through this so I am going to continue. I'm going to share my story.
I ask what defines you for a reason. It was always set in my mind that I would define myself by the things I was going to do. Build great things and receive those cheers. There was no doubt that I would make the next light bulb, engine, or computer. Seriously. I believed that I could do anything. I still do but it has occurred to me that there are several things that have to align for greatness. Harmony at home, hard work, and luck just to name a few.
My definitions have changed. Accomplishments have fallen down the list. In all reality, for me to succeed financially at my own thing demands a certain amount of wow. I'm at the mercy if you want my widget. Without the demand of your product is like sailing without wind. You don't! Family is more important than ever and happiness is a must. Accomplishments have moved to the back seat. But being healthy at work or whatever you do is a must. I have to feed the family and if that was to stop then we would have all sorts of problems.
Harmony is a component of a happy man and to me that is what I would define a man by. Happiness. You have to be happy. It might sound crazy but to me a happy man is a satisfied man. To be satisfied is what I would define a man on. Satisfaction breeds health. To be truly satisfied in all aspects of your life would be a dream. So if I get to dream for a moment then my dream would be a life of complete satisfaction. Impossible maybe, potentially boring-probably, but it sounds simple and good to me tonight. Happiness!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Sun block, long underwear, and one more week...

Fingers crossed...
I will be quick and to the point. Please include a prayer to God, Jesus, Jehovah, or any other higher power for our daughter. We are so close to seeing light at the end of the tunnel that we can taste it. Kaylee acts like it is no big deal but it is. We are like kids on Christmas Eve. Keep your fingers crossed.
Friday, March 21, 2008
The story behind 10 Kids Insured...
I officially started my non-profit "10 Kids Insured" on January 16,2008 in the state of Missouri. I have a 501 (c) 3 application pending. I'm not sure about the wording on all that but the attorney does. I am providing health care insurance to children who are lacking coverage. I am providing children an opportunity at health. (I like that phrase, I think I'll use that somewhere in the literature.) I announced the idea on December 21, 2007 as a gift to families to mark the six month anniversary of Kaylee and her battle against cancer. For those that don't know about Kaylee, she is my beautiful fifteen year-old daughter who was diagnosed with leukemia (A.L.L.) on June 21, 2007.
I had the idea for sometime but I wasn't sure how I would raise the money for such an endeavor. I decided to use my business as a tool to generate money for the cause. I own a unique company in Kansas City called InAd TV. InAd TV is a digital signage company in Kansas City that specializes in restroom installations. We place TV's above urinals and in vanity mirrors. My network consists of 100 LCD screens covering the Metro area. My business is to install the system then have sales teams sell the advertising on the screens. We always have excess commercial time and I thought that I could turn that unsold air time into insurance premium money for the kids. Sounds good.
The problem with that is I will have to wait to get it all lined out and then reconsider, toss it around, and find reasons not to do it. I decided to do it differently. I would find the money for the kids. I just needed the kids. Low and behold I received a phone call. There is a group of girls in the city that want to play a sport but they can't because they don't have health insurance. I guess there's a rule requiring coverage. The insurance broker got wind of it and called me. I thought about it for a second and thought, "I can handle that!"
Providing insurance to kids that want to play sports is a perfect fit for us. My daughter, a cheerleader, has been sidelined and bedridden for nine months. She has not been able to participate in any activities this year. She has not stepped into one classroom. Hasn't had a chance to sit in her favorite chair at lunch. These fifteen girls can make it up for Kaylee. They can play for Kay. I am going to stay tight lipped about the organization I'm helping until it is finalized.
I told family and friends about my mission and the connection with Kaylee and everyone threw in money. I raised money this first round from people who want to help me help the kids. I'm amazed by the generosity of people. I get to launch my first kids in honor of Kaylee, Fifteen girls who want to play on a team. Maybe one of these kids will meet her best friend, Maybe it will keep a child busy and she won't get into trouble because she'll be at practice. Maybe one of these girls will find that she has so much talent and maybe just maybe this kid will get a scholarship because her talent is noticed.
The insurance issue is a touchy one for me. I want kids to be able to go to the doctor when they are sick. Waiting in the emergency room at Truman Medical Center in Kansas City, MO is torturous. It takes hours to get in and the treatment is brisk due to the volume of patients. I'm sure being able to see a doctor on your own appointment terms will be a luxury to any of these kids. The hospital is a life saver to many, but an all day event to say the least.
As much support as I've had, I've also had to deal with negativity and mixed emotions. I look at this as an opportunity to help kids live healthy lives, provide peace of mind to parents, and a way for me to give it back to the community. Some people have told me to wait and search for the right kids. What? If your child has no insurance and I can help, and all other options have been exhausted then you're my candidate. I'm convinced that if you don't chase your dream or implement your plan you'll wake up one day with regret. I don't want any regret in my life or my family's life.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
A Jewel...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The Next Move...

I mentioned doing right and funding in the same sentence. I feel guilty mentioning the two together. But if things go right at work it usually means things go better at home. I leave work at work but it has a way of following me because I started it from home. I feel blessed that I can dictate my schedule and I can be around as often as I want but it is a burden running a company when you have a sick family member. I have to make decisions daily that affect those around me and sometimes I'm not sure if I'm in the best state of mind to make those decisions. I need to be a leader but sometimes I wish I could be a follower. I think sometimes I would much rather focus on my family and let the other guys figure out the next move. It is great to dream.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Our Feature Presentation...

I'm so excited to have her able to go out and not worry about the immune system, the sickness from the high doses of chemo, and the weekly admissions. I have to admit that I'm scared to pull back from the treatments. It is common among parents I'm told to worry about things like that. Tammie tells me not to worry because Kay has responded so well to the treatments. She is a fighter and we'll be just fine.
Tonight I'm so bored. I have places to go but I don't feel like drinking. It's cold and boring. I feel like I'm stuck. Socially I'm not 100%! I should be out hustling my business but I'm not all the way back from the traumatizing experience we've endured the last 9 months. I find my self a little less confident at times. I get nervous about my business. I fear sickness and I fear catastrophe. I size myself up some times and can't figure out why I'm not conquering the world when it seems I've been to the edge and I have nothing to lose. I should excel because a simple no is the least of my worries.
I picture a movie and I visualize a father who can get anything done because he has too. He has nothing to lose. He has a child at home fighting sickness. This fictional character has confidence and can do anything it takes to make money. Sales, cold calls, partnerships. Anything. When you go through something like fighting illness with your child, it's like you couldn't face anything worse.
Well I do the best I can. I think I could do better but I have issues. I'm lucky to have a great support system. But when this happens you initially think that your old fears are all gone because you have been awakened. But on the other hand you get consumed that everything has to go perfect in your business because that is what keeps the family floating. So work becomes extremely important and filled with pressure because you want to make sure everyone is as comfortable as possible. Plus Tammie stopped working and that income seized. What's a person to do. Where is this fictional man I created in my head?
The Combination...

I never know what to expect. I've come to terms that so many things are out of my control. Snow? Cancer? Blood? It is what it is, you have to continue and plan for the unexpected. At least we have each other to count on for support. Having someone in your corner is powerful. I hate to think that there are people out there doing life alone. Family, friends, and community are so important.
I received a hair cut yesterday from a friend who has been cutting my hair for years. As a matter of fact he gave Christian his first hair cut. I've been friends with him for many years. He disappeared last September. Gone. Well it turns out that he was on parole for a Federal crime he committed years ago and had a relapse and ended back up in prison. Wow! I couldn't believe it. We talked about free time. He said free time to him usually equated to trouble. If he didn't keep busy he had a tendency to spend time with people that usually would drink and do drugs.
He would go out and drink at bars because him and his girlfriend were having trouble. He would find what he thought were friends at bars & nightclubs. These people would often offer him things that were illegal and he would do it. He didn't blame anyone but himself. He did say that having nothing to occupy him usually meant that trouble would follow. We talked about how scary it would be to live in an area ravaged by drugs and crime. We both agreed that it is easy to follow the lead of others sometimes. Most of the time if you don't watch it you can be trailing the wrong person or people. Sometimes you have to kick and scratch to make a change in your life. It doesn't make sense, to think that you would complicate life even more by introducing bad habits and dark avenue's into your life. Life is hard enough.
I encourage everyone to find passion. It is healthy to have passion and an outlet. An outlet to take your mind off things. I promote doing things that work your mind, body, or both. I find writing easy to do. I love to write. It can be done with paper and a pen. I can sit down and escape for a moment. It is more convenient then finding fossils in rocks. It is more accessible then tracking the Monarch Butterfly. Writing is my release. I find that I have a healthy past time and one that doesn't require much.
Have a good day! I am going to drive to the gym now and try to get into the habit of exercising so I feel better physically. The writing is mental and the weights are physical. Not a bad combo if I can keep it up.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Things You Might Not Know...
Click the play icon:
I will share 5 things you might not know about me:
1.) I was on The Price is Right
2.) I like Spam :)
3.) I feel bad for homeless and over weight people
4.) I would like to make a movie someday
5.) I won a Halloween costume contest dressed as a girl when I was little
Here's some other things you might not know:
I've had the same best friend since 1976.
I won $12,000 off three $1.00 coins in Las Vegas, thirty minutes after getting married.
I delivered pizza part-time for Domino's to make a Christmas for my family in San Diego.
I was embarrassed delivering pizza's to neighbors and friends.
I worked in Cabo San Lucas
I worked in Honolulu
I found 22 $100.00 bills in a napkin
I took a pee as Demi Moore did her hair in the mirror next to me in The Beverly Hills Hotel (there was a divider between us)
I found a dead man hanging in a tree when I was 12 y.o.
My favorite car is the Bentley Continental GTC
My dog's name when I was a kid was Pumpkin
I like giving gifts more then receiving gifts
Joe Theisman gave me an autograph instead of a tip (I tossed it out the window)
I love Jack in the Box tacos
San Diego is the most awesome city to live in besides home
I did not know how email worked just 4 years ago
If I could choose a profession it would be Movie Director
Bigger Things To Get Done...
I talked about the Big 12 Tourney and my tickets that were offered to me. I wrote I was going to decline the tickets because I had bigger things to get done. Well I strarted my day earlier to get things done that needed to get done. I made a decision that I should invest time with Christian today. There would be nothing bigger then that for me today. I was going to spend much needed time with just the two of us. So I headed my way to Christian's school and picked him up. I was at the Power & Light bright and early this morning so I left my car in the the Rock Star parking space that I secured early, got a ride to Lee's Summit, picked up the tickets, picked up Christian and headed down to the Sprint Center. (Oh, I had to run home and change my jeans because I wore those same jeans today that I wrote the Style blog about. The straight leg pants they said I should never wear again. They ripped in the butt! I guess it was time for those to go. One way or another!)
Our day was nice and I appreciate Christian. He is so innocent. He grabbs my hand when we walk across the street. We passed a sausage/hotdog vendor with a hot grill and Christian grabbed my hand even harder. He was scared of the flames. He had me and he had my hand. It was special. I like that he is still a child. He uses me/us as a security blanket. I never want to lose that. I want a good relationship with everyone especially my children. Good night!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Driving for the Family...

The hardest thing about watching your child fight sickness, especially something called cancer, is witnessing your child lose their innocence. I can’t explain the whole situation because I don’t completely understand it my self. This little blessing you create is your angel. If you have no children it might be hard to understand, but if you’re lucky enough to have the experience of raising children then you know what I mean.
My child wanted to cuddle and snuggle nine months ago. Sickness hit then things changed. There are so many other things going on besides being daddy’s little girl now. That is the worst for me. I want to love but it’s an inconvenience for her at times. Sickness rules the house and everything else is secondary.
Kaylee left for the emergency room around 9:30 tonight for blood. She is running low and needs it badly so we decided to take her tonight instead of waiting until tomorrow. We are so close to the final phase, we want to be safe and we want Kaylee to feel as healthy as possible. I stayed home with Christian.
I went in to check on the little guy and he was sleeping. This is unusual for him. We normally have to tell him to go to sleep. He was sleeping when I went in around 10:30. I suspect he wanted to end the day because of Kaylee and the fact his big sister had to pack up and go to the hospital so late. As I went to turn the TV off I looked at the top of his head. The only thing exposed beneath the covers. I felt for him. He is part of a family that has to make concessions for the sickness. I love him for taking it and never complaining.
I took Christian to baseball tonight. I let the dog go as well. As I watched him I could not help but think how incredibly talented he is. He is so good at baseball. So good that he gets noticed by everyone that passes by any field he is on. His talent is not being inflated by a proud father but being relayed from a spectator who happens to be his proud father.
Being good at something doesn’t guarantee you’ll be noticed. Christian is noticed and I hope he continues to get the notoriety from his hard work & talent. I think being good at something is important. I was okay at wrestling. But sports never fully engaged me. They still don’t. I had a ticket for tomorrow's basketball tournament but I decided I have more important things to get done.
I like what I do for a living. Today I was finishing up where my construction guy fell short and I felt something. I was watching people working in the Power & Light District this morning and I couldn’t help but feel the feeling of working for someone else. I don’t have much experience working for others but I do have certain memories. My memories usually involve a pit in my stomach. I hated being somewhere because someone told me to be there. Weird but true. I never really found that place with anyone else’s business. I would arrive do what was expected but I never truly fit in. That’s okay. I respect everyone that can earn a living whether it be for their selves or for the other guy.
Monday, March 10, 2008

I was told by my wife that a little girl who frequents Children's Mercy with us, Jillian Sharp, likes Sonic Drive-In. Jillian is a child that is fighting health issues as well. We are in clinic and occasionally admitted in the hospital on the same days. Her parents both went to the same high school as Tammie and I.
It just happens that Charlie is flying out to Phoenix to shoot a commercial with the Sonic crew this week. Charlie offered to get us signed pictures of the actors! We are excited to be part of the Sonic family even for a day! I'm so amazed at the kindness of people.
It is so nice to witness generosity from others. Most people might not remember that they over heard someone saying they like Sonic, but since this sickness thing I try to remember every little detail about the kids and what they like. Maybe it's because I know their dislikes, hospital visits, needles, and the inconvenience of being in the hospital when they should be at school playing.
I hope that Kaylee and Jillian enjoy the honor of someone taking the time to do something special for them. I know that they have so much on their plates that has to do with serious stuff, maybe this will give them a break for a moment. Thank you Charlie D.
Doing Good...
I try to do good everyday. My plate is full but I make it a point to do good for anyone I can. Is that weird? I mean I have a list of children from clinic or our CMH 4-H that I try to make good things happen for. Kaylee is my priority but I want all those children to have something special. They deserve it. I think if you're a child and you fight childhood sickness you should get compensated. If you battle and lose part of your childhood you should be rewarded. A crazy idea but my idea!
I try to post as many Public Service Announcements for as many causes as I can. I usually pay for the production out of my pocket. What's next? Alex's Lemonade Stand! I'll fill you in on it as I get more info, but it is a great cause that generates money for all sorts of research that helps children like mine.
Well it is late and I'm tired. I hope you do good at whatever it is you do. If you can make a difference in someones life then try to. Remember if you get pale and dizzy you might need to see a doctor so you can feel good!
Sunday, March 9, 2008

Saturday, March 8, 2008
Tammy Cochran...

The picture they ran of her at first made me feel good for her family. Tonight I saw Fox 4 News running her mugshots from the last few years. It broke my heart. If getting murdered and set a fire wasn't enough for any family, now they have to deal with the stories being aired. I can see the police doing their investigating and looking at all angles but for the news to write and report of her troubles is troubling.
I didn't know her son, I never had dinner with her or her family but I wish she could have had a little dignity to her name and legacy after a sudden and senseless death. I've had friends call and say she was sick with this or that but she is gone and who cares. I'm the first to say if you play with fire you'll get burned but she's gone. Let her have peace. Let her family have peace.
We all have problems of some sort. We all know someone who has been affected by bad decisions. Drug addiction, crime, and dysfunction is around everyone. You might live a righteous life but that doesn't mean you don't have a cousin battling demons. Your neighbor could be fighting to save his child from addiction. That co-worker could be living through hell even though he or she smiles as they drink that coffee. Who are we to pass judgement.
I agree that we all look at someone and say they should get their shit together. But I've learned that I'm not going to try to be that moral monitor because I do not know what people are going through or what path they've walked. It is so easy for people to say that you get what you deserve. I disagree. I think that all of us come to a cross road at some point in our life. Most of us won't go a certain path but I know a lot of good people who did go the wrong way but came back. It was direction that most look back at and say why? But they had the opportunity to come back. This poor person was a mother, daughter, and sister. She may have fought her way back, but we'll never know.
I can't restore any thing for any one, I'm trying to restore health at the moment. I wanted to write something good about a person that I knew a long time ago who I knew as a good person. So Tami Cochran rest in peace and I'm sorry you didn't have the opportunity to fight back. You're at home now and I'll tell people good things about you!
Her story can be viewed by clicking on this link,
Friday, March 7, 2008
Mix 93.3
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Listen up...

Sunday, March 2, 2008
On My Way...