Kaylee is doing good. She looks good but it looks like we will have to make a trip to CMH tomorrow/today to get blood. She is very pale and dizzy. We think she is running low so we are going in to get a much needed infusion. Who would have ever thought we would have to worry about our baby girl's blood? Life, our life.
I try to do good everyday. My plate is full but I make it a point to do good for anyone I can. Is that weird? I mean I have a list of children from clinic or our CMH 4-H that I try to make good things happen for. Kaylee is my priority but I want all those children to have something special. They deserve it. I think if you're a child and you fight childhood sickness you should get compensated. If you battle and lose part of your childhood you should be rewarded. A crazy idea but my idea!
I try to post as many Public Service Announcements for as many causes as I can. I usually pay for the production out of my pocket. What's next? Alex's Lemonade Stand! I'll fill you in on it as I get more info, but it is a great cause that generates money for all sorts of research that helps children like mine. www.alexslemonade.org/KClemonade.php
Well it is late and I'm tired. I hope you do good at whatever it is you do. If you can make a difference in someones life then try to. Remember if you get pale and dizzy you might need to see a doctor so you can feel good!
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