The picture they ran of her at first made me feel good for her family. Tonight I saw Fox 4 News running her mugshots from the last few years. It broke my heart. If getting murdered and set a fire wasn't enough for any family, now they have to deal with the stories being aired. I can see the police doing their investigating and looking at all angles but for the news to write and report of her troubles is troubling.
I didn't know her son, I never had dinner with her or her family but I wish she could have had a little dignity to her name and legacy after a sudden and senseless death. I've had friends call and say she was sick with this or that but she is gone and who cares. I'm the first to say if you play with fire you'll get burned but she's gone. Let her have peace. Let her family have peace.
We all have problems of some sort. We all know someone who has been affected by bad decisions. Drug addiction, crime, and dysfunction is around everyone. You might live a righteous life but that doesn't mean you don't have a cousin battling demons. Your neighbor could be fighting to save his child from addiction. That co-worker could be living through hell even though he or she smiles as they drink that coffee. Who are we to pass judgement.
I agree that we all look at someone and say they should get their shit together. But I've learned that I'm not going to try to be that moral monitor because I do not know what people are going through or what path they've walked. It is so easy for people to say that you get what you deserve. I disagree. I think that all of us come to a cross road at some point in our life. Most of us won't go a certain path but I know a lot of good people who did go the wrong way but came back. It was direction that most look back at and say why? But they had the opportunity to come back. This poor person was a mother, daughter, and sister. She may have fought her way back, but we'll never know.
I can't restore any thing for any one, I'm trying to restore health at the moment. I wanted to write something good about a person that I knew a long time ago who I knew as a good person. So Tami Cochran rest in peace and I'm sorry you didn't have the opportunity to fight back. You're at home now and I'll tell people good things about you!
Her story can be viewed by clicking on this link, http://blogs.kansascity.com/crime_scene/2008/03/olathe-pd-inves.html
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