I was thinking about style. I'm not sure if I have much if any. I'm not saying that to be harsh on myself but I lost my need to be the best dressed and the one with the fastest car. I say I wouldn't mind having those qualities or material possessions but they are not priorities. They were at one time but not today.
It was so important to have the best looking this or that but I lost it. Where did it go? I used to have fancy labels on my clothes and it was common to have a Mercedes or Cadillac. Today I have 2 suites and one Hyundai. Oh I have a Jeep that is over 10 years-old as well. Why am I telling you this? I have to go to an Ad Agency where an old classmate works. I just found out about it recently and I must be honest, I was wondering how I look 20 yrs. later. I know I've gained weight, turned gray, and struggle each day. Am I supposed to be slimmer, colored, and wealthy?
This is irrelevant with what I have going on. Some might read this and say it doesn't matter, those things are unimportant. I agree but we all want to feel good. I've made a decision to sacrifice today for tomorrow. What does that mean? I am doing without today so I can have a better tomorrow. I invest everything in InAd TV. I pass on the fancy clothes because I can buy a TV and computer to further my business. I can't afford a nice car, one that would stroke my ego as I arrive to the meetings because I can't afford any extra financial debt.
The other day I wore a pair of straight leg jeans. Someone told me I should never wear those things ever again. They weren't stone washed, but they were straight legged! I gave a buddy a ride home a few days ago and he said that I should be driving an SUV instead of my compact Hyundai. I wore a baseball cap with my oxford the other day because my hair is too long and I haven't gotten a hair cut. I just don't care, but I do.
So I am scheduled to go visit an old classmate at a successful Ad Agency. What do I have going for me? I own a company that has a presence in every part of KC. Ninety percent of all people in KC who are under the age of 30 knows or have seen InAd TV. I work or know most everyone at every major media outlet in KC. I'm viewed as a business owner instead of someone that works at the ABC Co. I've started something unique and different. I often have people want me to tell them my story. Do people usually want other people's story? Is that the norm or is my story worth asking for?
I often tell myself that I'm an authority of digital signage. I have one of the biggest digital networks in KC and I specialize in a certain field, so I am important. I might not be curing a disease but I am on the fore front of whats to come in my chosen profession. I think that I have ideas and capabilities to add to the growth of this movement. I feel like an inventor. I'm often called an entrepreneur. So that's my story and I'm sticking to it even if I don't have style!
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