I'm moving on from my blog. It served a healthy purpose from day one and I appreciate the outlet it provided. Today I can't find that need to confess, share, and unload. So instead of writing my blog I'm going to write a book on my site here. Crazy, maybe. But different and challenging. I'm going to create something that will occupy my time at those moments when I need it. So stay tuned and hop on board if you want. This is my story.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Delayed Mugshot...

My business profile in the KC Star was pushed back to next Tuesday. This week it looks like a landscaper edged me out. I'll let you know when it is in the paper. I thought it was going to be in this week's business section of emerging business but it looks like they didn't run emerging business. I guess my mugshot will have to wait another week.
Kaylee is plugging away. This chemo is the painful stuff so she is fighting aching in her bones and jaw. I forgot that this was the painful treatments. Our last few months were the treatments that produced sickness, unfortunately we had to revisit the painful stuff again. I hope she feels better soon. Kaylee is almost to the maintenance phase of treatments. I think that is right around March 1st. The maintenance phase is where it slows down with treatments and we see if the cancer stays away for good. Say a prayer for us that my child doesn't have to endure anymore mental and physical pain. We want this to be in our rear view mirror.
Have a good day and lets hope no one will ever have to write about cancer, children, or chemotherapy ever again.
Kaylee is plugging away. This chemo is the painful stuff so she is fighting aching in her bones and jaw. I forgot that this was the painful treatments. Our last few months were the treatments that produced sickness, unfortunately we had to revisit the painful stuff again. I hope she feels better soon. Kaylee is almost to the maintenance phase of treatments. I think that is right around March 1st. The maintenance phase is where it slows down with treatments and we see if the cancer stays away for good. Say a prayer for us that my child doesn't have to endure anymore mental and physical pain. We want this to be in our rear view mirror.
Have a good day and lets hope no one will ever have to write about cancer, children, or chemotherapy ever again.
kansas city,
kaylee quijas,
kc star,
michael quijas
Monday, January 28, 2008
Bored and Tired...
01/28/08 - Hello there. I am sitting in a conference call right now and bored to death. I've decided to write a blog because I'm going crazy listening to these IT guys talk a lot of foreign terms I know nothing about. So here I am.
I had a good weekend. We did absolutely nothing. It was relaxing. We picked up a ping pong table and had fun with that. I'm boring today, not much to say. I just left the conference call because all that mumbo jumbo gives me a headache. I decided to go to my office and lay down and finish my blog. If I offend anyone by laying down on my couch at 3:30, I'm sorry. I can and I am.
Did you do anything exciting this weekend? The weather was beautiful. I'm going to stop this entry because I have zero to say right now and I feel this conversation is going cheesy. Forgive me and I'll talk later.
I had a good weekend. We did absolutely nothing. It was relaxing. We picked up a ping pong table and had fun with that. I'm boring today, not much to say. I just left the conference call because all that mumbo jumbo gives me a headache. I decided to go to my office and lay down and finish my blog. If I offend anyone by laying down on my couch at 3:30, I'm sorry. I can and I am.
Did you do anything exciting this weekend? The weather was beautiful. I'm going to stop this entry because I have zero to say right now and I feel this conversation is going cheesy. Forgive me and I'll talk later.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Light at the End...
I met with Blue Cross this afternoon and we discussed my best options for insuring my first 10 kids. As I was sitting there listening to detailed coverage I couldn't help but think how many times I have heard that insurance medical lingo. I never had any interest in that verbiage and I still don't. It was always Chinese before and still is. The difference is those things they talk about are things that can happen. Max coverage, catastrophic circumstances, and deductibles. I realized how it used to be so boring and irrelevant. Today it hits home even if it's boring. It's relevant.
It reminds me when you're young and people older then you always talk about insurance coverage and how you can't drive this car because you're not covered under the insurance. This always sounded so stupid because I wasn't going to wreck or nothing was going to happen to ME. I now know what they were talking about. Those stories are real and those circumstances can happen. You just pray it doesn't happen to you.
To think anyone loves their kid as much as me is impossible. We all think that right? I sometimes think that if everyone knew how much I loved my kid then everyone would know the pain. Well I hope we all love our kids that way. I know we all feel love towards our kids equally but when you start taking inventory because you think you might lose that love it is hard on you.
I look at Kay and I have so much admiration for her. She hasn't been to school this year. We are in our second semester and she has only walked in the school doors once this year. Her purpose there was unrelated to studies. We have been spending much of our time with children and teenagers that are missing their hair. Her sweet little head is growing hair. Her legs are starting to get strong and they are gaining weight daily. Our immune system is at a strong level and we feel better. We can see light at the end of the tunnel.
It reminds me when you're young and people older then you always talk about insurance coverage and how you can't drive this car because you're not covered under the insurance. This always sounded so stupid because I wasn't going to wreck or nothing was going to happen to ME. I now know what they were talking about. Those stories are real and those circumstances can happen. You just pray it doesn't happen to you.
To think anyone loves their kid as much as me is impossible. We all think that right? I sometimes think that if everyone knew how much I loved my kid then everyone would know the pain. Well I hope we all love our kids that way. I know we all feel love towards our kids equally but when you start taking inventory because you think you might lose that love it is hard on you.
I look at Kay and I have so much admiration for her. She hasn't been to school this year. We are in our second semester and she has only walked in the school doors once this year. Her purpose there was unrelated to studies. We have been spending much of our time with children and teenagers that are missing their hair. Her sweet little head is growing hair. Her legs are starting to get strong and they are gaining weight daily. Our immune system is at a strong level and we feel better. We can see light at the end of the tunnel.
christian quijas,
inad tv,
kaylee quijas,
michael quijas,
tammie quijas
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
A Great Organization...

I made a video promoting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Hike for Discovery program. It is an event that has Kaylee as a Honoree Patient. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJPx_LKWe14 If anyone is interested in finding out more info please call Daniel at 913.262.1515.
My next video is going to be for Team in Training. This event is awesome, I look forward to participating soon. Sandy Duncan is the person to talk to at the LLS if you need info on this awesome program. Both events helps fund research and offers families such as mine a helping hand in their time of crisis.
I encourage everyone to call the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and ask if you can help them in any way. Their number is 913.262.1515. Tell them Michael Quijas referred you.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Power & Light District...

I am excited to announce that I was offered a big beautiful building downtown that I can project advertising on. It is in the heart of the Power & Light District. This project should be appealing to advertisers who want prime real estate in this new district. I"ll let you know how it goes.
I encourage everyone to check out the Power & Light if you get a chance. It is incredible. Outdoor concerts, bowling alley, restaurants , and theatres. Until you see it, it is hard to explain. Well I guess I'll go for now. Goodnight!
in ad tv,
inad tv,
kansas city,
michael quijas
KC Star...

The steroids affect your mood, your eating, and your appearance. There has been a change in mood and eating but no physical difference. I hate that she fears the shots. I hate not being able to take the fear away. We are with her on every step of the journey, but she is on her own with the taking the pain part.
I was thinking how important this blog was in helping me during our dark days. At first I was concerned how I might have came across with all the whining and whimpering, but it was my release for six months. It was so helpful to me and my sanity that I will never apologize. It didn't take me long to find my therapeutic release and I am grateful. I look at the alternatives and I admit that someone could easily indulge into something a lot less healthier then a blog. The pain and scare are unbelievable when it deals with your child.
I registered my non-profit, 10 Kids Insured, with the state and now I am filling out my 501(c) 3 paper work with the IRS. The wait for approval can be long, so I am running my foundation through the Truman Heartland foundation. This wonderful operation will expedite my cause without a long wait. It is very exciting. I am setting up meetings with insurance companies that see the potential and want to get on board with this wonderful cause. Different health care foundations are contacting me as well expressing interest. It seems like this idea to help kids with health care might just work.
InAd TV is doing great as well. I am installing McFadden's and Stroud's this week. We received the green light from the Power & Light district last Thursday. I am supposed to be Downtown in four hours. Ouch! The Stroud's install is one that gets me out of the Bar and Nightclub circuit and lands me into a family style atmosphere. Hooray! I like my bars and nightclubs but it will be nice to unveil my product & service in such a renowned place as Stroud's.
There will a story on me next Tuesday in the Business section of the KC Star. It is a section called Emerging Business, and they do a Q & A with entrepreneurs and my number was called. I am privileged and honored. It took long enough. But timing is everything, right? I hope I sound OK in the article. Take a look at the article and keep me in mind if you ever do an ad campaign. I hope to talk soon, thank you for every thing.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
From My Friend...
Philippians 4:13 --- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Enemies, caution lights called Family. You will have flats called Jobs. But, if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, insurance called Faith, a driver called Jesus, you will make it to a place called Success.
Do you ever see something and know it was a message designed just for you. It might be called signs, a light bulb, or a premonition. Whatever it is you need to recognize it. I'm so scared to move forward with 10 Kids Insured. I am moving forward, but to do something that everyone tells me I can't becomes wearing. I have my crew around me rallying and I have family and friends supporting this dream but everyone else say's "If it's never been done then it can't be done" I beg to differ.
When I started InAd TV I had several people say the same thing. Today I have endured nearly three years of business and it is growing. I think that it is appropriate that InAd TV will get to birth a new way of thinking about children who are in households that make $1.00 to much an hour at Walmart to qualify for adequate healthcare for their children. It probably does sound outrageous that a man is proposing he use public restrooms from across the city to fund healthcare for our own children, Kansas City Children. 10 Kids Insured!
The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Enemies, caution lights called Family. You will have flats called Jobs. But, if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, insurance called Faith, a driver called Jesus, you will make it to a place called Success.
Do you ever see something and know it was a message designed just for you. It might be called signs, a light bulb, or a premonition. Whatever it is you need to recognize it. I'm so scared to move forward with 10 Kids Insured. I am moving forward, but to do something that everyone tells me I can't becomes wearing. I have my crew around me rallying and I have family and friends supporting this dream but everyone else say's "If it's never been done then it can't be done" I beg to differ.
When I started InAd TV I had several people say the same thing. Today I have endured nearly three years of business and it is growing. I think that it is appropriate that InAd TV will get to birth a new way of thinking about children who are in households that make $1.00 to much an hour at Walmart to qualify for adequate healthcare for their children. It probably does sound outrageous that a man is proposing he use public restrooms from across the city to fund healthcare for our own children, Kansas City Children. 10 Kids Insured!
September 2007 Newsletter from KC Ad Club
Special "Help a Member Out" Section
If you can help him, he can help you. Fellow Ad Club member Michael Quijas needs your help. His daughter was recently diagnosed with leukemia, and he and his family are spending much of their time at the hospital. Michael runs a small business, In Ad TV, which plays 15- to 30-second videos in Kansas City's premier restaurants and nightclubs.
Because he understandably has little time to spend on finding new business, he is offering free advertising to any Ad Club members who have produced material. If interested please contact Michael at 816.651.9471 or 877.446.2388 or visit http://www.inadtv.com/.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Coping Mechanism...
I was walking past the computer this morning and thought about coping mechanisms. I used this computer as a tool for the longest time. I had to get by and I found that writing was my tool. In December I wrote 51 blogs. This release or outlet made it possible for me to get it out. I needed to get out the built up pain and confusion. This release made it possible to function. I am grateful.
So many times I spent hours writing to pass the time. This was therapeutic and soothing. I could have ran to the local pub and spilled my guts to the guy next me but I chose to write. In the process I may have bored, depressed, or burdened you. But I did it for me in a healthy format. For this I am thankful. How many times do you get to look at a piece of machinery or technology and get to say thank you? Well that's what I'm saying this morning. Thank you to my computer for being there when I needed you. I couldn't image having to do battle like we did and do without something to alleviate the pain.
If you remember, I was prescribed countless meds to assist in the insomnia, depression, and anxiety. Looking back, it was my laptop who stood in there for me. Some might find this writing to be bizaar and odd but it is my pill that helps me get through. Although I haven't written with the passion I once did, that's OK. I am finding other outlets these days to occupy my thoughts and time. If I could pass any wisdom or advice it would be this. When times find you at a low and out of it, reach for something that is healthy. I could have grabbed a bottle of liquor or something worse, but I decided to entrust in my computer. Weird I know it, but today I can say that no only did it help me survive without going nutts it gave me a script in hand of all that we went through. The countless hours writing has produced something tangible that I will share with myself and others who want to know "how'd you do it"
So many times I spent hours writing to pass the time. This was therapeutic and soothing. I could have ran to the local pub and spilled my guts to the guy next me but I chose to write. In the process I may have bored, depressed, or burdened you. But I did it for me in a healthy format. For this I am thankful. How many times do you get to look at a piece of machinery or technology and get to say thank you? Well that's what I'm saying this morning. Thank you to my computer for being there when I needed you. I couldn't image having to do battle like we did and do without something to alleviate the pain.
If you remember, I was prescribed countless meds to assist in the insomnia, depression, and anxiety. Looking back, it was my laptop who stood in there for me. Some might find this writing to be bizaar and odd but it is my pill that helps me get through. Although I haven't written with the passion I once did, that's OK. I am finding other outlets these days to occupy my thoughts and time. If I could pass any wisdom or advice it would be this. When times find you at a low and out of it, reach for something that is healthy. I could have grabbed a bottle of liquor or something worse, but I decided to entrust in my computer. Weird I know it, but today I can say that no only did it help me survive without going nutts it gave me a script in hand of all that we went through. The countless hours writing has produced something tangible that I will share with myself and others who want to know "how'd you do it"
inad tv,
kansas city,
kaylee quijas,
michael quijas
Excess Inventory...

I have to tell everyone about something that happened today. I had an appointment with Operation Breakthrough at 9:00 am and I was blown away. This organization is so incredible. They perform magic every day with the assistance they provide to working families who need a helping hand. I toured the facility and had the opportunity to meet the staff. This dedicated team of volunteers and staff have been doing this for 38 years, and they do it well.
If you are wondering what I am doing with "10 Kids Insured" please let me explain. I am in the process of setting up a non-profit 501c3. This organization will provide medical insurance to 10 uninsured kids a month who live in the metro area. I intend to give children an opportunity at health. I want these kids to visit a doctor when they need to and I want them to know that the bill is taken care of. I am going to team up with an organization who can help me find children that need the help. I am so excited about this project and the potential it has. I may have found my calling in life.
I had so many people tell why it wouldn't work that it became a joke. It wasn't until I started taking the final steps that everyone has started to say, "He can do it!" To tell you how far this has gone, I am negotiating with different Insurance Co.'s to have a health care product just for my organization. This tailored policy will help with copays and deductibles. They are talking. This is exciting.
For those who wonder how I will fund it, I am taking the percentage of ads that would go unsold on my network (industry standard) and unloading them for a cause instead of concert tickets and limousines. These entertainment luxuries are commonly passed around for trade out in the advertising industry. I am doing something highly unusual. I am not in the party mood these days so I elect to donate the excess inventory to a cause I am passionate about. The uninsured kids.
Please pass the word that anyone who does business with InAd TV will be helping out the community. I will take that ad money and insure kids. Please help me make this a success. I can do it and I can make a difference, so can you!
inad tv,
kaylee quijas,
michael quijas,
Operation Breakthrough
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Life Works Best When You Do Things Unlike The Rest...

This cause feels right. I have made the decision to go forward even though I could research two more years, contemplate one more additional year, then maybe proceed. This would seem like the normal route I might have taken in the past, but today I have a different mind set. I will launch, make some mistakes, and learn as I go. Why wait for all the planets to line up. If I string this out then I might not ever do it.
If Operation Breakthrough can help provide the kids then a lot of worry is off my plate. I had so many people tell me that I couldn't proceed without the kids. I always believed that if I started on the path to make my dream a reality then all unknowns would find a way to work themselves out. But can you believe that someone would could find reasons not to do this? I mean I could find a million reasons not to get out of bed. But that's not me. I want to be the guy at the end of the day, who can get into bed and sleep soundly knowing that he is helping Kansas City kids stay healthy! In addition to that, I will be providing peace of mind to families who worried about health care for their loved ones. Who knows, I might make atleast one person sleep soundly as well. Life works best when you do things unlike the rest.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Kip Cleveland...
Do you like your job? I ask you that question because I absolutely love what I do. I'm sure that there's times that I've hated it. But today I love it. I love it when I hear people talk about In Ad TV. This is awesome for me because it's like my idea that got into the main stream. It was my pencil and eraser that penned out the name on a piece of scratch paper.
I sit in my office sometimes and listen to people make sales calls. They say I'm so and so from In Ad TV. I get a kick out of that. To hear that this thing has moved from the garage and into the real world is an honor. I think about the times I sat alone with this business on my back, weighing me down, and not knowing if this dream was really worth it. Today is has bought me freedom. It is my partner!
I suggest that you follow your heart and instinct if you should ever do your own thing. The forest gets pretty thick and resolution seems to disappear. I say this because I believe everyone has a part of them that would love to start their own business. This business might be a hobby that has potential. So many people I know get into a position in life where they think they are stuck. Stuck with that dry paycheck, crusty co-workers, and a miserable drive each morning. But let me remind you that you are not stuck. You can do what you want. Hard work might lay ahead of you, an investment of time may be due, but success is there for the taking. My drive comes from times that I would have a "NORMAL JOB" and hear my fellow co-workers bounce ideas off of each other for that next big thing.
I remember a gentleman named Kip Cleveland in Los Angeles. He was an engineer by schooling but was selling auto's in LA with me. He would always say "there has to be something better out there. That one thing that can take care of everything." He was referring to an invention, a service, a song. Anything that could let you enjoy yourself and pay your bills.
Kip quite and disappeared. Rumors floated around that he was driving a meals on wheels truck. Sure enough, I was standing on the lot waiting for a customer, when I heard a loud horn sound. I turn to notice a Hot Dog Truck or Coffee Truck, something pull in. There was Kip behind the steering wheel. He had made the leap. He is pushing out a product and turning a buck. He made the move and did what most others can't or won't do. Well I have to go but enjoy your day at whatever you do. Some of us will be putting toppings on hot dogs, others will be spending time in the restroom adjusting TV screens, and you might be answering someone elses phone. Let's just be happy that we are doing something and we have somewhere that we have to be.
I sit in my office sometimes and listen to people make sales calls. They say I'm so and so from In Ad TV. I get a kick out of that. To hear that this thing has moved from the garage and into the real world is an honor. I think about the times I sat alone with this business on my back, weighing me down, and not knowing if this dream was really worth it. Today is has bought me freedom. It is my partner!
I suggest that you follow your heart and instinct if you should ever do your own thing. The forest gets pretty thick and resolution seems to disappear. I say this because I believe everyone has a part of them that would love to start their own business. This business might be a hobby that has potential. So many people I know get into a position in life where they think they are stuck. Stuck with that dry paycheck, crusty co-workers, and a miserable drive each morning. But let me remind you that you are not stuck. You can do what you want. Hard work might lay ahead of you, an investment of time may be due, but success is there for the taking. My drive comes from times that I would have a "NORMAL JOB" and hear my fellow co-workers bounce ideas off of each other for that next big thing.
I remember a gentleman named Kip Cleveland in Los Angeles. He was an engineer by schooling but was selling auto's in LA with me. He would always say "there has to be something better out there. That one thing that can take care of everything." He was referring to an invention, a service, a song. Anything that could let you enjoy yourself and pay your bills.
Kip quite and disappeared. Rumors floated around that he was driving a meals on wheels truck. Sure enough, I was standing on the lot waiting for a customer, when I heard a loud horn sound. I turn to notice a Hot Dog Truck or Coffee Truck, something pull in. There was Kip behind the steering wheel. He had made the leap. He is pushing out a product and turning a buck. He made the move and did what most others can't or won't do. Well I have to go but enjoy your day at whatever you do. Some of us will be putting toppings on hot dogs, others will be spending time in the restroom adjusting TV screens, and you might be answering someone elses phone. Let's just be happy that we are doing something and we have somewhere that we have to be.
in ad tv,
kansas city,
kaylee quijas,
michael quijas
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
A Hand...

Me and Kaylee went to a late movie last night. We saw a movie called Walk Hard: The Dewy Cox Story. It was funny and entertaining. It could have been any movie really, just getting Kay out is an enjoyment. We have it figured out, Tuesday night is going to be slow as far as a attendance and that is the perfect setting for us. Our immune system is building up but it is low and slow. Our new treatments start this morning. Kay and Tammie are at the hospital as I write. I guess we had to go early so they could perform an EKG. Columbia & CMH both forgot to give her an EKG at the start of this. They are supposed to be monitoring her little heart. The liver concerns may have made them overlook this procedure. A heart scan. Who would of ever predicted?
I'd much rather be buying shoes for the bowling league or pom pom's for cheerleading. But this is our life for now and we'll go to the doctors office four hours before our scheduled appointment if we have to. I have to think that good has come from this. I mean, what would I be doing right now if I wasn't dealing with cancer in my child? Probably cruising through life without much thought of where I want to be and who is important. Not appreciating as much as one should.
I'd much rather be buying shoes for the bowling league or pom pom's for cheerleading. But this is our life for now and we'll go to the doctors office four hours before our scheduled appointment if we have to. I have to think that good has come from this. I mean, what would I be doing right now if I wasn't dealing with cancer in my child? Probably cruising through life without much thought of where I want to be and who is important. Not appreciating as much as one should.
I am going to embrace the fact that bad things can happen to great kids. Good things can happen to bad people. There's no rhyme or reason to life. It's recognizing the signs and course you're supposed to take. I'm going to make our experience a helpful one. It will help make me a better person and it will be the drive for me to help those who need a hand. Everyone needs a hand from time to time. May my experience be the extended hand to others.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
The Market...

I wanted to tell everyone that I finished my book. It is called "One - 80" My First One Hundred 80 days. My Child's Fight Against Leukemia. One eighty refers to the six months we've been fighting and the U-turn our life took.
I am going to self publish my book. I'm doing it for me and Kaylee. I'm sure it wouldn't sell anyways but I'm going to market it through my site, screens, and media connections. I think I'm going to do it through http://www.lulu.com/ . I think that is an easy way to do it. I can put it together and work on it at night at my leisure. I'll keep you posted.
The Star called today and I am getting featured next Tuesday or Friday in a business spotlight piece. I am honored and privileged. Thank you. I've been wondering when the press might notice my TV network. I'm the only guy placing TV's above urinals in KC. My Tv's aren't compared to the competition or any other product. I own the market in KC. That's powerful stuff. How often does one get to say he has no competition and an open market. So it goes back to the thing, where's the press been? Well I'm ready and honored that anyone has taken notice. I'll let you know when my story is featured. Goodnight!
Monday, January 7, 2008
I'm back! I feel like I abandoned my blog. The truth is I've been extremely busy working on getting my latest project launched. I am providing free health care coverage to 120 kids for the next 12 months. I have been working hard trying to get this insurance project off the ground. My organization is going to be called http://www.10kidsinsured.com/. The website will be a .org but I haven't started the starter web page and I'm to lazy to do it right now. I have the insurance company ready to take part. I have my first sponsor lined up to facilitate the first 10 kids. I have the the bank who will provide the escrow account for my endeavor. All I need now is a P.R. firm that will believe in me and my program and help launch it through some Press/Media Releases. I will not be able to pay for the exposure but I can deliver clients to their door if done right. http://www.10kidsinsured.com/
I haven't been able to write lately. I have writers block. This happens when things are going good. So I can't apologize. We are out of the hospital and our break has been over two weeks. Kaylee is relaxed and feeling good. Our next phase begins tomorrow. I thank you all for the prayers and kindness we have received over the last six months. The power of prayer is strong. Our next phase includes steroids and it has Kaylee worried. The last time we did steroids it affected her taste and it was tough. Weight loss, appetite loss. Tough loss. A prayer or two if you have it in you, please.
I am excited about the kids insurance. I feel passionate about the cause. So many people confessed to me that they too had an insurance problem here and there. Gaps in enrollment, No money, or a lost job and the inability to afford Cobra. I wasn't alone. The embarrassment is the same for all of us. I will help ensure that children have the ability to see a doctor when needed. I will give piece of mind to worried parents and kids. 10kidsinsured.com.
My real drive is that people say I can't do this or that. I can do whatever I think. I can put in place a TV channel in the restroom. I can put TV's in clothing. I can insure 120 kids a year in 50 different cities if I want. I can be part of a solution or part of a problem. I choose to do great things!
I haven't been able to write lately. I have writers block. This happens when things are going good. So I can't apologize. We are out of the hospital and our break has been over two weeks. Kaylee is relaxed and feeling good. Our next phase begins tomorrow. I thank you all for the prayers and kindness we have received over the last six months. The power of prayer is strong. Our next phase includes steroids and it has Kaylee worried. The last time we did steroids it affected her taste and it was tough. Weight loss, appetite loss. Tough loss. A prayer or two if you have it in you, please.
I am excited about the kids insurance. I feel passionate about the cause. So many people confessed to me that they too had an insurance problem here and there. Gaps in enrollment, No money, or a lost job and the inability to afford Cobra. I wasn't alone. The embarrassment is the same for all of us. I will help ensure that children have the ability to see a doctor when needed. I will give piece of mind to worried parents and kids. 10kidsinsured.com.
My real drive is that people say I can't do this or that. I can do whatever I think. I can put in place a TV channel in the restroom. I can put TV's in clothing. I can insure 120 kids a year in 50 different cities if I want. I can be part of a solution or part of a problem. I choose to do great things!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
A Normal Night...
I'm watching the Kansas Jayhawks play in the Orange bowl tonight. It is 8:39 PM and me and Kaylee are going to the movies at 9:20 tonight. Our movie is going to be Juno. I love going to the movies and this one will be exceptionally special since Kay hasn't been able to attend a showing due to her low immune system. We are gambling that no one will be in the theatre because it is a week night, late, and KU Football is taking place.
We have to be cautious about our surroundings daily. This outing is a start to the good times that lay ahead of us. It is especially special to me because I've been Kaylee's movie partner since her first movie experience. That first movie was Lion King in 1993 or '94. I remember it was at the theatre's located at Midland & 435. We made it only half way through due to the loudness. Although it was incomplete, it was the beginning of a date that has lasted over a dozen years.
We did it! The movie was good and the theatre was empty. We had us some popcorn, nachos, and a couple drinks. I was touched by the experience. I was honored to be there next to my baby girl who deserves to have as much movie time as any other fifteen year old. Boy is it easy to take life's simple pleasures for granted. We sat in the front of the theatre and enjoyed our movie. Kaylee picked her seat out and we had a wonderful Daddy Daughter night. There wasn't a place I'd rather be but next to this child who has waited six long months to attend a screening.
Parenting is a honor. Kaylee didn't ask if I wanted to go, she advised me that we would be attending the 9:20 screening of Juno. I never blinked or batted an eye. She knew that I wouldn't and that made me feel great. The night was good for me mentally as it was for her too. I let everything go- finances, work, and worrying. It was all about Kaylee and that's what I really needed. A normal night with a normal fifteen year old.
We have to be cautious about our surroundings daily. This outing is a start to the good times that lay ahead of us. It is especially special to me because I've been Kaylee's movie partner since her first movie experience. That first movie was Lion King in 1993 or '94. I remember it was at the theatre's located at Midland & 435. We made it only half way through due to the loudness. Although it was incomplete, it was the beginning of a date that has lasted over a dozen years.
We did it! The movie was good and the theatre was empty. We had us some popcorn, nachos, and a couple drinks. I was touched by the experience. I was honored to be there next to my baby girl who deserves to have as much movie time as any other fifteen year old. Boy is it easy to take life's simple pleasures for granted. We sat in the front of the theatre and enjoyed our movie. Kaylee picked her seat out and we had a wonderful Daddy Daughter night. There wasn't a place I'd rather be but next to this child who has waited six long months to attend a screening.
Parenting is a honor. Kaylee didn't ask if I wanted to go, she advised me that we would be attending the 9:20 screening of Juno. I never blinked or batted an eye. She knew that I wouldn't and that made me feel great. The night was good for me mentally as it was for her too. I let everything go- finances, work, and worrying. It was all about Kaylee and that's what I really needed. A normal night with a normal fifteen year old.
kaylee quijas,
michael quijas
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
1:00 AM 01-01-08...
It's a New Year, I'm not sure if that's capitalized or not, but it will be tonight. I am comfortable and thankful that we are home. I'm in my comfortable bed watching the movie, Monster, with Charlize Theron. I'm writing tonight for the first time in a few days, I haven't got much to say but I'll just write and see where it goes.
New Years Eve's I remember:
1986 - Tammie and I went to Nick Jones' house. I didn't want to drive Tammie home for curfew at or around 1:00 AM that night, so I had John Zuniga do the drive in my Jeep Renegade. He never made it back but called hours later to tell me that my Jeep was totaled. I remember he couldn't recall any details while he was on the phone. I just wanted to know if Tammie was alright, and where I could find the Jeep. Nothing. Well Tammie wasn't in the wreck and the Jeep was totaled.
1989 - I was at a convenience store on Main St. when a guy was shot or was shot at. I remember hearing gunshots and everyone scattering. I can't remember the details because we all got scared and drove off. If I remember right it was a drive by, or someone shooting from a parked car.
1990 - Tammie and I were living in LA, and we decided to traveled to Las Vegas for the big night. We went to several night clubs and stayed far from the strip. The one thing we didn't anticipate was a sold out Vegas. There were no rooms anywhere so we stayed off the strip in a seedy motel. It didn't matter because we never made it back to the room until early the next day.
1994 - I threw a party for Kaylee and for all my nieces and nephews. I had the party favors and decorated the house with balloons. We had pizza and we brought in the new year as a family. Safe and sound.
1999 - I drove a limo in San Diego. The big scare was that all the computers where going to crash. I was hired to take a group of kids to a concert. I think it was a big Blink 182 show. I think it was held at SDSU. I'm a little foggy about the details but it was peaceful.
2000 - Our family and several others went to San Diego Bay for a concert and family night. It was relaxing and a treat when they pulled our kids on stage to dance and sing. I can remember it vividly.
2005 - Stayed home.
2006 - Went to McCoy's Pub House in Westport for a couple drinks.
2007 - Laid in bed.
New Years Eve's I remember:
1986 - Tammie and I went to Nick Jones' house. I didn't want to drive Tammie home for curfew at or around 1:00 AM that night, so I had John Zuniga do the drive in my Jeep Renegade. He never made it back but called hours later to tell me that my Jeep was totaled. I remember he couldn't recall any details while he was on the phone. I just wanted to know if Tammie was alright, and where I could find the Jeep. Nothing. Well Tammie wasn't in the wreck and the Jeep was totaled.
1989 - I was at a convenience store on Main St. when a guy was shot or was shot at. I remember hearing gunshots and everyone scattering. I can't remember the details because we all got scared and drove off. If I remember right it was a drive by, or someone shooting from a parked car.
1990 - Tammie and I were living in LA, and we decided to traveled to Las Vegas for the big night. We went to several night clubs and stayed far from the strip. The one thing we didn't anticipate was a sold out Vegas. There were no rooms anywhere so we stayed off the strip in a seedy motel. It didn't matter because we never made it back to the room until early the next day.
1994 - I threw a party for Kaylee and for all my nieces and nephews. I had the party favors and decorated the house with balloons. We had pizza and we brought in the new year as a family. Safe and sound.
1999 - I drove a limo in San Diego. The big scare was that all the computers where going to crash. I was hired to take a group of kids to a concert. I think it was a big Blink 182 show. I think it was held at SDSU. I'm a little foggy about the details but it was peaceful.
2000 - Our family and several others went to San Diego Bay for a concert and family night. It was relaxing and a treat when they pulled our kids on stage to dance and sing. I can remember it vividly.
2005 - Stayed home.
2006 - Went to McCoy's Pub House in Westport for a couple drinks.
2007 - Laid in bed.
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