Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Market...

I wanted to tell everyone that I finished my book. It is called "One - 80" My First One Hundred 80 days. My Child's Fight Against Leukemia. One eighty refers to the six months we've been fighting and the U-turn our life took.
I am going to self publish my book. I'm doing it for me and Kaylee. I'm sure it wouldn't sell anyways but I'm going to market it through my site, screens, and media connections. I think I'm going to do it through http://www.lulu.com/ . I think that is an easy way to do it. I can put it together and work on it at night at my leisure. I'll keep you posted.
The Star called today and I am getting featured next Tuesday or Friday in a business spotlight piece. I am honored and privileged. Thank you. I've been wondering when the press might notice my TV network. I'm the only guy placing TV's above urinals in KC. My Tv's aren't compared to the competition or any other product. I own the market in KC. That's powerful stuff. How often does one get to say he has no competition and an open market. So it goes back to the thing, where's the press been? Well I'm ready and honored that anyone has taken notice. I'll let you know when my story is featured. Goodnight!

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