Monday, January 7, 2008


I'm back! I feel like I abandoned my blog. The truth is I've been extremely busy working on getting my latest project launched. I am providing free health care coverage to 120 kids for the next 12 months. I have been working hard trying to get this insurance project off the ground. My organization is going to be called The website will be a .org but I haven't started the starter web page and I'm to lazy to do it right now. I have the insurance company ready to take part. I have my first sponsor lined up to facilitate the first 10 kids. I have the the bank who will provide the escrow account for my endeavor. All I need now is a P.R. firm that will believe in me and my program and help launch it through some Press/Media Releases. I will not be able to pay for the exposure but I can deliver clients to their door if done right.

I haven't been able to write lately. I have writers block. This happens when things are going good. So I can't apologize. We are out of the hospital and our break has been over two weeks. Kaylee is relaxed and feeling good. Our next phase begins tomorrow. I thank you all for the prayers and kindness we have received over the last six months. The power of prayer is strong. Our next phase includes steroids and it has Kaylee worried. The last time we did steroids it affected her taste and it was tough. Weight loss, appetite loss. Tough loss. A prayer or two if you have it in you, please.

I am excited about the kids insurance. I feel passionate about the cause. So many people confessed to me that they too had an insurance problem here and there. Gaps in enrollment, No money, or a lost job and the inability to afford Cobra. I wasn't alone. The embarrassment is the same for all of us. I will help ensure that children have the ability to see a doctor when needed. I will give piece of mind to worried parents and kids.

My real drive is that people say I can't do this or that. I can do whatever I think. I can put in place a TV channel in the restroom. I can put TV's in clothing. I can insure 120 kids a year in 50 different cities if I want. I can be part of a solution or part of a problem. I choose to do great things!

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