Monday, October 29, 2007
West Side Stage...Confusion Stage
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Thanks Again...

It was so nice sitting with Bailee Woods and her family. Bailee is battling leukemia and she is also from Lee's Summit. Bailee is 15, the same age as my little girl. After it was all over we sat and talked family to family. We have so much in common, I feel blessed we have them. Our two girls have so much in common that having each other is a gift. I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone but to have that person Kaylee can talk to is priceless.
Our life is connected to Children's Mercy and so is the Woods'. We know the same nurses and doctors. We know the food, the protocol, and the routine. I compare our relationship to walking through the woods at night without a flash light. Doing by yourself is scary, but knowing you have someone else in those woods is comforting. I'm not sure if that makes much sense but its my comparison. We are just waiting for day light so we know exactly where we are going.
Once again, Thank You. Our fight started over four months ago. We did some rough math and figured Kay has used somewhere between 16-32 bags of blood. Sixteen weeks and 1-2 bags of blood a week = 32 bags. So you can see how important 71 bags of life can be to a family like ours. Keep in mind that your time and donation can save a life. We know because we live it.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Where was I before?...
I'm having problems with God. I feel so guilty begging God to spare my child from this pain & suffering. He is so busy and gets so many solicitations that I'm not sure I'll get heard. Crazy? I know it but I can't help my feelings.
Why wasn't I worried about prayer before? All of a sudden I'm pleading, begging, and shouting for mercy. Where was I before? I pray but I so want god to hear me. Is he busy today? Will he get my message? Does he know how much I love my little girl? He lost his beloved son, why would he make me go through the same?
I start my prayers the same. God, I need a favor. Maybe some of you out there might say I'm starting the prayer out wrong but I just want him to know what a great creation he made when he produced Kaylee. I'm a proud parent, but I honestly feel Kay is special. She is such a kind and caring person. I've never seen any ill will actions ever. I'm so proud that I am her father.
I have a favor to ask. If anyone has the direct line or has a personal connection to God please pass on the following message. There is an awesome child located in Lee's Summit, MO who desperately needs help. We want strength, faith, and courage during these trying times. We are being tested and our fuel runs low at times. If we could get some back up reserves and a little healing we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Until Tomorrow…

I can't tell you where we go from here. Hopefully it's complete health and back to a normal routine. Kaylee has several more admissions and two years of treatment. I wanted to share our day and our journey with everyone but more importantly I want Kaylee to know what we went through. I'm certain she will not forget it but I wanted to document the Behind the Scenes aspect. She knows dad for being dad, and not the scared parent, the hurt man, or the confused being. So thank you for taking in a snap shot of our lives and our battle.
I cannot begin to tell you the shock, disbelief, or hurt that comes with the words CANCER. Throw in CHILD and CANCER and you melt. Maybe someone will read my story and realize that they are not alone. I felt alone and I felt like I was blazing trails no others had before. But that isn't the case. There have been others before me and unfortunately there will be others after me.
Keep your faith in whatever you find faith in. Realize there is help & hope and be healthy. I had to see a doctor for sleep depravation, depression, and anxiety. So seek help if needed and talk. If writing a blog gets you through it then do it. I am not shy to say that I had to try several different avenues but writing was just right. The fog sets in but starts to disappear shortly after. There is no manuscript on how to react or cope. But realize that there are countless others who have battled and are willing to help.
Lets Do It Again...
This stuff we are taking is very strong and has the potential to make you very sick. We know first hand. It tore our daughter to pieces last week. She has been feeling good so it almost makes you sick that we have to be the ones driving her to her appointment with sickness. I guess someone has to take her. But I wish it wasn't me. I want to bypass Children's Mercy and head to the Great Wolf Lodge. Wishful thinking.
We have this weekend to deal with and then she has two more stays and we move into maintenance. That is a less frequent treatment program. We monitor the cancer to see if it reoccurs. I pray she gets it out of her system. That's the worst fear for me. Having a flair up and starting this all over. It's out of our hands and I can't worry about future what ifs.
I'm happy to be hanging with the family. We do everything together and it is fun. Smelling the rose's is good. My priorities have changed. I wish the best for me in all aspects of life but some are less important now then four months ago. Is that bad? I don't think so because I'm having my eyes opened to what matters. God, health, family, friends and livelihood have a certain harmony. I appreciate the whole list but find some more important.
Who cares. I hope our visit turns out good and I look forward seeing everyone Saturday at Gail's Harley. I will be there most of the day but might switch shifts so Tammie can come. Please remember to include Kay in your prayers.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Hey There...

Dolce & Gabbana

Test Results Are Back...

I couldn't believe it when they told me. But I wasn't completely surprised. Since getting floored with news of my daughter nothing surprises me. I feel terrible but what do you do? I'm concerned about Christian and his ability to deal with his sister and his dog. Tough. We'll wait and see whats to become of our dog.
But can you believe it? Two cancer discussions in one household. An incredibly bad household if you want to dodge bad news. Besides the bad news our weekend was spectacular, I'll keep you posted on Garths condition.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
A Dime A Dozen...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Anything and Everything…

I'm trying to find interest in something. But I can't. I had this blog that occupied me and my moments but it is slowly fading. I want to jump into business, a book, a picture, poetry, a film, etc. but I have no flavor. It reminds me of my younger years when I wanted to conquer the world and had no idea where to begin. I am sick. I hope that this is on schedule with other cancer lives because it is out of the ordinary for me. I don't want to do anything but want to do everything. My mind is vacant. I want to be this part of the equation where everyone says that "Michael Quijas really pulled it together." But I'm not sure if that's the case. I can barely sleep at night. My child's health is on the line. My livelihood is on the line. My family is on the line.
Again, I write and spill my guts but I have to. I grew up with all girls and maybe that's the reason. I'm not sure. Today is a manic day.
Drift Wood or Anchor?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
A Roast...

Tell me about Kaylee...

Kaylee was also having a bloody nose that wouldn't stop. Kay is anemic. Bloody anything can be bad. So she is home and checks back in next week. We are taking a new pill for the potassium. It is the biggest pill I've ever seen. It scares Kay, big pills, because she has problems swallowing enormous pills.
Kaylee was depressed yesterday. She said she is tired. She is tired of everything. Tammie explained that she has only a short period of intense treatment left. We have 57 days left of this tortuous round of chemo. Her little hand is hurt and swollen from an IV they placed in her left hand. We normally don't recieve IV's because we have a port implanted in Kays chest. It makes it easier to access veins and administer medicine. Our port is a single port, we needed fluids combined with the single port so the doctor placed an IV in her hand. It hurt and swelled her little hand.
My insomnia is coming back, but I'm going to turn the lights off and try to sleep. Goodnight.
We Decide Our Worth...

Monday, October 15, 2007
What Would You Do?
Click on the arrow to play, and listen to my message, it means the world to me. I have Voice Over Actors who would normally get our message across, but I had to do this one. Please forward a link to anyone you know who might donate blood. I guaranteed atleast 70 donors, I don't think that is too hard, but I need help. Go to http://www.esavealifenow.org/ and use sponsor code:gailsharley I appreciate any and all help. Thank you - MQ
One Million Dollars...

My Thank You list is so long, but I'll start with Raoul's Velvet Room and the ZEROS. If it wasn't for them there would have been no party. My family, friends, and classmates that were in for the reunion.
I'm tired. I've been catching up on sleep. The weekend and the disease has taken its toll. You could offer me a million in cash, plane tickets, and an exotic car for just a little break. Just a week. It wouldn't help. Nothing but a clean bill of health would make me feel good. It's very hard to explain or how mentally tough it is. Kaylees health or nothing. I am so tired for Kay and the family.
I'm not feeling the writing thing tonight. Please excuse me. Talk with you tomorrow. Goodnight.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The Unknown...

It's Almost A Country Song...

I got home and the house is very clean. There are bags of grocery's everywhere. Well, not every where but on the counter tops. Bags are packed, magazines, ipods, and computers are ready to go. We are checking into the hospital tomorrow. Kay went shopping to stock her room with snacks, soups, and goodies while she is away from home. We are packed as if the bus were departing to Vail, CO bright and early. Its not Vail but Children's Mercy Hospital.
When I came home today and noticed the clean house I thanked Tammie. She looked at me and said "this house better not be dirty when I come home!" Again, its Tammie's strong attitude that gets us through. There will be no unexpected problems, our stay will be uneventful, and routine. That's how Tammie views it. So I will follow her lead and take her stance. Uneventful & a routine admission. All I have to worry about is keeping the house clean. Simple.
I have to be at the vet at 7:00 AM. Garth, our dog, has a tumor on his back and is scheduled for surgery. He is ten and very big. We pray that his tumor isn't cancerous. I can't keep up with this cancer. My daughter, my dog, and it's almost a country song!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Hands Down...

Monday, October 8, 2007
23.75 Hours

My child lives in her room 23.75 hours a day. She has lost so much weight that her fifteen year old legs resemble those when she was 7-8 years old. Again, this is our reality and we have to deal with it. You become immune to the situation and deal with it because you have no choice. It is what it is. But some days it breaks your heart. I don't want her to go through this. I wish it wasn't her. I'm trying to be polite, but I wish it was someone else. That sounds soooooooo bad but it is my thoughts today. I went through the stage where I said I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but today I wish it was anyone but her. Please forgive me.
I feel blessed that we are done with those first days. Scary shit. I'm glad we are in a routine stage, but are we really? I'm not sure. This is 3 1/2 months old,and still new. I'm glad we are at home. I love my kid.
Kaylee gets admitted on Wednesday for 2 days. She is going through a tough dose of chemo. I'm scared any time they admit for chemo. That means they're aware that this is serious poison. She has to be monitored. Our week will be spent in the hospital come Wed. morning and we'll get out Friday or Saturday. I hope Tammie can go to the Reunion on Saturday. We hope Kay feels fine on Saturday. We'll see.
I guess I wanted to explain how difficult it is seeing your child sick. Why, I'm not sure or maybe someone reading tonight will realize that it's not so bad at their house. I'm not saying we're not going to get upset when someone leaves their underwear on the floor or wet towel on the bed, but it really isn't enough to get real worked up about. So if you go to bed mad tonight because of homework issue's or dirty dishes just remember that things could be worse and there could bigger problems on your plate.
Shampoo & Conditioner

Saturday, October 6, 2007
The Sound Of Music...

Home Coming...

Kaylee didn't want to go to the festivities today. She said it wasn't her day today, and she wanted to stay home. Last year she rode on the float, in her cheerleader uniform, and threw out candy with a wave. A year later and she is laid out in bed, thinking about things. I feel for her.
It is your hopes that your child grows and blossoms in high school. We wanted Kaylee to make friendships, form relationships, and become her own. She has! It happened even quicker than we thought. She's well known, in tune with herself, and knows what's important. Unfortunately, it was expedited through an ugly disease called cancer.
I suspect that today was painful for my baby girl. All the hype was about the parade, the game, and the dance. To be excluded because of the situation is painful. But our priority is health. We can't let emotions get in the way. That is the part I hate. As a parent, I want to get emotional over it. I want to fix it. I want to take Kaylee to the game, drive her to the party, or let her ride with the girls to the dance. But I can't. She has to heal and get better.
High school years are supposed to be filled with making friends, making memories, and making her way. Instead we are focused on blood counts, platelets, and making appointments. It makes you realize that there are a range of different high school memories. A child that struggles making friends, a child making Home Coming Queen, or a child making plans to attend the parade, game, and dance next year.
So we're sitting this day out and setting our sights on next year. It's her choice. It's her memories. It's her reality. I just want to get this period in our lives over with, learn from it, and move on. I'm here for everything and anything. If it's a game, parade, dance or a simple visit to the grocery store. No matter what we're dealt I'm going to provide entertainment one way or another. Unfortunately, it just happened to be a simple visit to the grocery store tonight. But we'll set our sights on next year.
Friday, October 5, 2007

So I am looking at my family tonight. Eating, homework, and laundry are just a few things going on. I feel so honored and privileged to provide the food, the house, and the detergent for the clothes. Silly? Maybe it's a faze or maybe I slowed down to realize that I am blessed. Blessed to have a family, blessed to be with my kids, blessed to watch them as they eat those Pop Tarts and popcorn.
I do the grocery shopping for our family. I always have and always will, I enjoy it. Tammie doesn't. So what we have is balance. She doesn't mind laundry and I don't mind the grocery store. Balance.
I know everyones favorites. Christian loves his spicy Cheez-its and Fuse drinks, Kaylee favors her Pop Tarts and egg rolls, and Tammie enjoys her dips and chips. I've never really had that one thing, I like it all. Not the most healthy selection, but who cares. I just love that they have their tastes. Their favorites. Their individuality.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Our Blood Drive, Your Participation...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Florida Sunshine...

We Had A Special Birthday...
Monday, October 1, 2007
Greenwood Dispatch Article 9-26-07

On June 21, 2007 Kaylee Marie Quijas, 15 years old, was diagnosed with Leukemia (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia). The news was delivered at University Hospital in Columbia, Mo. while the family was attending the State Baseball Tournament for the Lee's Summit Baseball Association. Kaylee's brother, Christian 11 years old, plays for the Red Sox an 11 & under AA baseball team.
Kaylee attends LS West High School and will be a sophomore this year. She is active in cheerleading and loves her school, cousins, and friends. Unfortunately Kaylee will be home schooled for most of the first semester because of her low immune system.
By: Erin Means Smiles, determination, love, and strength are a few of the words people use to describe Kaylee Marie Quijas. Kaylee, a 15 year old sophomore at Lee Summit West, was recently diagnosed with leukemia. Like many Americans, Kaylee is living strong to defeat the illness. The families’ gratitude and courage can be best expressed in the following segment with the Quijas family answered by Michael Quijas, Kaylee’s dad. Kaylee, as you will find, is a young lady who reminds everyone that, even at the lowest points in life, kindness, love and gratitude can always be given to those around us. The Dispatch would like to offer Kaylee our support and encouragement in her recovery.
Cancer is difficult, not only for the individual who has it, but the family as well. How are all of you (family) coping? Have you had a lot of support from friends, neighbors…?
Is there anything people can do to help Kaylee through this difficult time? Kaylee is starting a website called http://www.randomthankyou.com/ , she wants people to thank people for nice things that happen throughout the day, week, or whenever. She feels grateful for the compassion the community has shown. Things like this seldom ever happen, or if they do, we don’t slow down to recognize it. The giving, kindness, and random acts of kindness often go unnoticed or without merit. We are going to make a project out of it. It will be her way of giving thanks, not just for herself, but for others who have received kind words, an open door, or a helping hand. We are looking for someone to help create this site for her so she can become the CEO of the Thank You Business. (I especially want to give her something to focus on besides this sickness.)