Hello Family, Friends, and Neighbors. It's me and I'm back. I stopped with the computer, phone, and appearances the last few days. I spent the entire weekend with my family. It was relaxing and beautiful. Friday we went to Kansas, Heritage Park, for a baseball tournament. We played at 7 or 8 PM, I can't remember. But Kay went and watched. We had an awesome family weekend. Bubba won the MVP Award at the Friday game and we left with a win and a metal. Saturday was baseball at Mid-America Park and our play wasn't the same as the night before. We lost, but Kay traveled again. It was a hike to the fields. We took a ride back to the car on a golf cart. It was a far walk and the dust, wind, and walk made Kaylee tired. She won't admit it but the ride was a pleasant one. Kay riding between two fat guys in a cart never felt sooo right.
I can't tell you the change in Kaylee. Once that chemo wore off it was like night and day. We were bedridden on Thursday, and cheering on Friday. Freaky. I felt so much love for my family this weekend. It's strange. I say strange because it's moments and situations like these that make you appreciate the battle we're fighting. I can't say that I would be so full of love if it wasn't for the cancer. I look at my family and myself and love everything about us. I love our story, our journey, and our strength. We are fighting daily and coming together so strong that I'm proud of Kaylee, Tammie, and Christian. I'm proud of me. I used to look at my kids and feel sympathy for them because they had me as a dad.
I go for dreams and take chances that most individuals wouldn't or couldn't. I believe I can do anything. Scary but true. I sometimes wonder what the kids think of me. I've always had a business going. I hustle and make our living. I don't travel to work at the same hours as those other parents. We've sacrificed vacations or simple outings because I couldn't afford it. I've made decisions at times on the philosophy that we might have to live our life a few years like most people won't, so that we can spend the rest of our life like most people can't.
I'm finding the blessings inside. My kids come up with inventions or ideas that most others wouldn't. That comes directly from me. I've rubbed off on them. They have their own little creations and endeavors. I am an influence. I've helped shape those kids. They think they can do anything. It's that dream. So I think I'm lucky to have my entrepreneurship spirit. My talents are a blessing. So what can you do? I am who I am, I have a story like so many others and I'm coming to grips with me.
My family is so important. I can't really tell you the last time we had such a great weekend. Our pre-cancer days were the same. If we went out of town I always had one who didn't want to be there. We would fight. Things would always get pissy. But things are different. We actually enjoy our time together. All of us, the teenager thing is gone, the grippy little brother thing is gone, and the fighting parents are gone. The thing that isn't gone is our family. So until someone tells me otherwise I'm going to enjoy the time I get with my family, I'm going to smell the day differently, and I'm going to count my blessings and I encourage you to do the same. You never know what tomorrow holds for you.
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