We dodged a bullet today. Kaylee's platelets were too low so they sent us home. We get to relax for a week and then we check back in next week. We are so happy. I wanted Kaylee to get a rest. We are tied at the hands but it's a knot I won't try to untie. I want a rest. Selfish maybe. But if you saw the damage this dose of chemo does, you'd feel the same way.
I had to take a break from writing this last week. I was writing all night and it was effecting my mornings. I love to write but I would start and couldn't stop. Problem. But I guess there are worst things I could be doing. I enjoy my hobbies. I should video tape my nights. I break apart video screens and come up with different applications for them. I'm up all night some days coming up with new stuff. I think I would title it "How to stay sane when diagnosed with Cancer" It wouldn't be entirely true. I didn't get cancer but it feels like it sometimes.
I'm glad Kaylee got sick at home. I'm glad Kay doesn't have a family or a job right know. It would be devastation if she was raising her family. Devastation might be a strong word but it would be harder. I get the satisfaction of nursing my child back to health. I don't think there's any comparison to a parent making you feel good. A mothers touch or a fathers protection is priceless. So again I have to find good in all of this. Goodnight and have a great day tomorrow.
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