When I started writing this I had no idea what a blog was. I started writing in word and it evolved into a blog. I have have several different sites that run my blog. I look and see if anyone reads it occasionally, well more then occasionally. I have big numbers some days and low the next. But people read my blog.
Brad Gaddy called me on Friday and said "How's Kaylee? Is she home from the hospital?" I felt so honored. This friend from years past knows my child. He hasn't seen me in years but he knows my daughter. He hasn't met her or should I say he hasn't met her in person. He knows her from the blog. I've accomplished my goal. I want everyone to know her, she is so likable, pretty, intelligent, witty, interesting. I love her and you would too because she has such a sweet soul.
But when people call or write and ask "hows Kay?" it makes me feel so good. I've realized as you probably have too, that I opened our door to you. I want you to see what we are going through. Will I educate some, offend others, and make others say why? Of course. But I am for a reason. I want people to know that family and health are important. What are we if you don't have family. What becomes of us if we don't have health?
I was with a friend tonight who owns a restaurant. He has always been very wealthy. He is younger than me and always had big money. Well, his money is gone and he is going through a divorce and his new girlfriend left him. He is depressed. I looked at him tonight and told him it is OK, and he will make it. He is at a low. I grabbed him and told him that I'm not minimizing his situation but he has four healthy kids, a soon to be ex-wife who is the mother of his children who is healthy, and a girl friend who is a dime a dozen. Be happy. If money or a girlfriend is your demise then you're doing good. Both are easily replaced. One mans problems and another are just that, problems. Just because we were slapped with the cancer jab doesn't make anyone else's problems less. I just pray we get to the point that our problems are as simple as a divorce, cash, and a no good girlfriend!
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