I want to tell everyone about a gift I received this week. It wasn't wrapped and it wasn't bought. It was a gift that took its time to get here. When it did arrive, it was so special that words couldn't describe it. My gift is the most beautiful gift and it took some time but didn't cost a dime.
This gift was relief. Relief we weren't sick anymore. Relief that I could sleep good because my baby girl was sleeping good. Relief that there wasn't any needles or injections. No sickness. No pain. Relief that Kaylee was back for a moment. Her laughter and smile were back and it was a relief.
Tomorrow we start our treatments again. We get fluids the first Day and chemo follows shortly after. There a two big bags of methotrexate. I think that's how you spell it but I could be wrong. One thing I know for sure is that we get sick on the third day. It is hard to think that we will be sick again after these fine days. It is what it is.
I don't want to bore you but I want you to enjoy your life. Take the time to enjoy your life. Step back and enjoy the workings of your day. The family or co-workers. The home or the office. Your car or your neighbors. One of your kids likes cheeseburgers and the other doesn't. One is scared of roller coasters and the other of scary movies. One can't stop running and you're not sure if you've ever seen the other run at all. One sings and the other doesn't.
It might be my life or it might be yours. Just make certain that you appreciate your life and all that comes with it. But make certain that your routine doesn't handicap you. Don't get blind because one day seems like the one before. If its one observation a day that's OK. Just take the time to be grateful and take an inventory of you life on a regular basis. These days and this time might be redundant but remember we're not guaranteed anything. So these memories could be the best even though they seem like all the rest.
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