I guess it goes back to the saying "how do you do it?" Well it isn't planned and it isn't our personal strength but more perseverance. This word is bigger then normal for me but it is - steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.
I watch Kaylee do her thing through all of this and I must say that it is her who shows great strength. Kaylee never complains. She has never said "why me?" The pain is never a topic of conversation for her. The inconvenience is packed away and never spoke of. The sadness doesn't consume her. The discomfort hardly shows. I'm proud to say that she is mine.
If I can make her journey to recovery as comfortable as possible then I've done my job. If I can put Tammie at ease without her having to worry about insignificant issues such as money, then I've done my part. If I can reassure Christian that recovery is well at hand, then I can say I'm DAD. We are new at this and we take it one day at a time, but each day is a day closer to our goal. A goal of pony tails, peacefulness, and health.
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