December 22, 2007 - 7:13 AM Today is the day that marks the official six month point of our diagnosis. So with that being said I want to officially tell you what I going to do to commemorate this milestone. I am going to establish a fund that will pay for a Health Insurance Policy for ten children who live in the Kansas City area. This twelve month policy will be funded through my company InAd TV. This program will see to it that these ten chosen children will have an opportunity for a routine check-up, maintenance, and any health care needed. This program will also deliver peace of mind to the parents and family of the 10 chosen recipients.
I announce this to you today because you read my blog and I could use your help. I have been exploring different insurance companies, I have been going over the game plan, and now I want to search for someone who could use the help. I ask you to give it thought if you know someone in a certain situation that could use a hand. The prime candidate would be a family member, neighbor, or co-worker who just doesn't qualify for state assistance, and can't afford insurance premiums. Pass the word on and let me know. I am very passionate and empathetic about this cause for my own reasons. Reasons which I'll share with you shortly.
My business was started with a few goals in mind. The first was to launch a product and service that wasn't being done by anyone else. Second, I wanted to start my own TV channel, a Ted Turner of sorts. Third and final, I wanted to create something that would generate capital so I could launch programs locally, regionally, and nationally that might benefit and better mankind. I've made the machine to accomplish all three. InAd TV.
I can be reached at
michael@inadtv.com , all correspondence and conversation will be kept confidential. I give you my word that there isn't anything I haven't seen so don't be embarrassed if it is a family or yourself. Tell me your story, maybe I can help. The only thing that I ask, and I hope this doesn't offend anyone, is you pass me names of healthy children with no pre-existing conditions. The reason being if I want to budget ten kid's, those ten kids will have to fall into the projections we anticipate.
June 28, 2005 - April '07
I feel compelled to tell my story. This story deals with embarrassment, pride, and good fortune. I have left it out of my writings because there is a certain self pride each of us carry, and I felt if I let it out, and if you did the math, it would be revealed that this story took place only nine months ago. Not nine years but nine months. My story could possibly tarnish the view you might have of me. Who cares!
I went almost two years with out insurance. I was so embarrassed about this issue that I wouldn't tell anyone. I live in this nice neighborhood, with people that appear to have money and I couldn't afford health insurance. This was my big secret. I could not afford an extra $400 - $500 payment per month. I couldn't afford not having it and but I actually couldn't afford it. My pride kept me away from welfare programs and my disappointment got the best of me each and every time I requested a quote from health care providers. I was gambling on the welfare of my loved ones.
Two months after we had our policy in place Kaylee came down with Leukemia. I feel blessed that I had an insurance agent that called me once a month for fourteen months telling me that I needed coverage. His name is Steve Minot and he is with Deer Creek Financial. He pushed me in a way that wasn't overbearing or pestering. He was my conscience and he was my reminder. He was my friend in the business. Well, Steve is going to help me implement my program and we are going to make a difference even if it is only ten kids at a time.
I often wonder what our situation would be if I hadn't activated coverage. Maybe this situation happened so I could help others. Who knows the whys or the whats of this thing. I just know that Kaylee Marie Quijas is the inspiration and spark of great things to come!
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