Have you ever looked back in time and thought you had conquered the worst? I do. I mean I made it out of the inner-city, I started a family without a car and walked to work. I did everything the wrong way and it turned out OK. I moved to San Diego without a job offer or an education and made it work. We battled financial woes without a college education. We made it work!
Thursday I had a woman tell me that she and her husband would wait to have kids. They weren't financially stable. They own 3 companies. Successful in their own right. She told me I was lucky Kaylee had leukemia because she had seen a lot more serious disease. She has a side project where she connects families with disease, with others of similar stories. Lucky. I almost lost it, but I thought ignorance is tough enough.
I attached the cover of my book Inflicted. It is my neighborhood that I grew up in. Rosedale. My address was 1614 W. 39th St. Kansas City, Kansas. I literally grew up on the other side of the tracks. But I made it out. My kids would never have to experience the things I did. Was I ever right.
We are fighting things that I never imagined. Things and situations I know nothing about. Experiences they will find foreign, as they find their selves battling things most will never have too. I thought it was all financial and environmental, but that is really the small part, there are so many other battles. Hopefully when this is all over I can truly say I conquered it all.
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