I started a sales job a few months back. I did it for the money but more importantly for the interaction with people. I had become a recluse. My inter-personal skills had disappeared and I needed to gain them back. The job I took is with other salesmen and we have lots of down time to discuss our families & our stories. Recently I met a man, a new hire, and we've become friends. He is 62 yrs. old and orginally from Croatia. We have talked in great length about how we ended up where we are.
I told him yesterday that I would be on my way in a few weeks to pursue other endeavors because I feel I have that entrepreneur spirit back. Working for peanuts and taking abuse from management has re-ignited my fire. As soon as I told him I could tell it deflated him. Sounds silly but he enjoys my company. I can tell.
My friend has been an executive for the gas industry for years and I suspect due to his age he was let go for younger talent. He arrived in the area because his kids are here but he has no friends in KC. All he has are his children who are young adults living life. As a parent we see them move on and our position in their lives shift. We are still important and what matters most, but they don't want to go out on the town with us. Sure, on certain occasions, but not on a regular social basis.
He told me he goes to a restaurant in Leawood occasionally and has a drink or two at the bar by himself. I told him I would take him to a bar called Touche's if he ever wanted to go out. Touche's is a place where older folks tear up the dance floor and seem to have a wonderful time. I have been there in the past and it was a great time. When I offered, he got excited and said he had wanted to go to Touche's but never did because he didn't want to go alone. He said he thought a club would be a little strange flying solo. I guess he's right, I wouldn't want to go if I didn't know anyone.
It made me realize that my social life has gotten thin as well. My phone doesn't ring anymore and my friend base has all but disappeared. It's ok because I was living life all the way into my 40's as if I were still 24 yrs. of age. Plus I had the tendency to stay out as long as I wanted without any boundaries. Not good for one's self or his family, especially if you want to keep onto your health and family!
I say this because I believe all interactions have the potential to be good or bad on you or for you. I haven't done much selling but would be at the top of the leaderboard, if there was such a thing, of having the ability to squeeze out every person's story I come into contact with. I love the story behind everyone and we all have a story. I find that we're all unique and our struggles have a common circle or comparison.
My friend's name is Mike and he is a great man. I feel sad for him because he's not where he thought he'd be. I am not where I thought I would be but I've said that enough and it's time for me to get to where I want or need to be.
I truly love people. I know that will make some laugh, some puke, and others relate but it's the honest truth. If someone's mean there's usually a reason behind it, if someone's kind then there's usually someone who contributed something in that person's life that harvested kindness. Stories within stories.
I hope at the end of my day someone might see and say something good about me. If not, then maybe they'll understand that I'm just a guy who had struggles and a story just like everyone else.