So where do I begin. I could start back twenty one years but I'll start with tonight. Tammie has been bedside with my daughter for 27 hours straight as of right now and it could be days depending on test results. She hasn't showered and hasn't complained. I am in bed sick and unable to go into the hospital for fear of getting not only my daughter sick but countless others. My sister Kelly offered to take her place so she can come home and get freshened up, but she won't leave. She is a wonderful human being and an awesome Mother.
I have always depended on her for her toughness. She is such a strong person that knows everything will work out. Her ability to reason and justify things in these uncertain times is inspirational. I will occasionally fall and she is always right there to pick me up. I sometimes get exhausted where she never ever takes a negative look on anything.
The mouth sores, the discomfort, and the pain is enough to break anyone, but Tammies view is positive. She says we knew the sores were coming, we knew there was going to be discomfort, and the pain was going to be part of the package. Lets get it over with it and move forward. Her prognosis is nothing less then full remission.
My writing is honest and I have to say that we have had our problems. We've known each other since I was sixteen and she was fifteen. That's a lot of history. That is more than half of our lives. I've been living with her longer then her parents did, and we were children when we met, she was Kaylees age. But we've managed to stay together and raise our family through our own personal growth. That is a hard thing to do. We've made poor decisions at times but we've always tried to compromise and meet each other half way so we could provide a loving and secure household for our children.
She is the captain of the home. I just hustle to make it happen. But I couldn't do it without her. When we moved to San Diego, CA in the mid nineties and I was homesick and out of my element, it was her that grabbed me and got me through it. She has a way of making it all right. I am the type that would physically protect us but she takes care of us in a Motherly way. During our financial woes it was her that would say "enjoy these moments because it won't always be like this. " When I had trouble meeting friends during our adventurous years in Cali it was her that made those price less friendships for us.
I grew up without a routine but it was her that stressed the importance of a routine. She read to the children, did homework, and bathed them at a certain time nightly. It was her strong belief that having a structured home was stability and with stability creates security. She was so right. My children are such good kids that they give me faith and hope that they will be productive young adults. This parenting is a combination of both, but I give Tammie most of the credit.
When I wanted to follow my dreams and start my own business it was her that backed me. She took a waitress job here or there to help ease our pain during those thin years. When I've questioned myself or when I've lost confidence she would grab me and say "You're Michael Quijas and you can do anything!" She has had more confidence in me then anyone and she always tells me she knows that I'm a good man who will do great things. If it wasn't for her belief in me and my capabilities I'd be behind someone else's desk answering someone else's phone. I truly know what they mean when they say " Behind every great man is a great woman."
Tammie attends every practice and game that the kids have. She volunteers for everything that comes up and she cheers louder then any parent on the field. Her pride in her family is a topic that others compliment on. Her love for her family is next to none.
So I say if you see her on the street you can keep your condolences and sadness to your self because she will have no part of it, but you can tell her that she is an inspiration for the strength, positive outlook, and incredible job she has done taking care of Kaylee. I thank God for her and I thank God that she brings comfort to a child who needs nothing else but comfort at these troubling and trying times. I wouldn't wish this sickness on any parent but if your child's number is called I only wish everyone could have a Tammie Lei Quijas in their corner.
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