Thursday, September 27, 2007


There is always going to be challenges in life but how you handle them is what really defines what kind of person you are. We've been thrown a little hurdle but our track and field instincts are kicking in.

It is so weird to think about conversations I had before we were hit with this sickness. One that comes to mind was with a first time father not to long ago. As cute as his new born baby was, I thought how glad I was that we were past those needy years. I told him that Tammie and I were starting to enjoy our second wind at life. Since the kids were getting older and more independent we had the luxury of going out again as a couple. No more babysitters!

I remembered each little mile marker of our needy little ones. The day we outgrew diapers, formula, and day care to name a few. I remember where I was when I bought my last can of formula. I was in Rancho Penasquitos, CA, in Lucky's Grocery Store on Carmel Mountain Road and Ted Williams Hwy. The last payment to day care, and my final diaper purchase.

Wow. I just referenced three memories and each one had to do with money. I didn't notice until I read it again. That's bazaar. My recollection of those years are filled with financial struggles. But health issues weren't upon us and it was what it was. We were living in San Diego, CA and I didn't have any job skills. I was a Bail Bondsman, and I hated it. So I started a carpet and house cleaning business. I had work but not enough to feed my family and supply Christmas, which was quickly arriving.

So I took a job delivering pizzas at night during the holiday season. I was embarrassed that I had to do it. My Domino's uniform and the fixture on top of my car. But my kids were going to have a great Christmas even if I had to deliver pizzas. Humbling. The only word I can use to describe the experience. Now I look back and love the fact that I can say I did whatever it took.

Do you believe in Karma? I do. To what extent is questionable, but I've had it come back to me. One day I was living in Kansas City, 1989, and I was somewhere and my cousin who would of been in his late 20's or early 30's arrived. He had a Pizza Hut uniform on and he had some big pizza logo on the car. I laughed. I made fun of him, and I had everyone making fun of him. We laughed.

I remember thinking about this incident when I would put my company issued Domino's gear on 7 or 8 years later. My Cuz was just trying to feed the family. Hell he might of been trying to pay for prescriptions for his fifteen year old. Who knows. All I know is Karma kicked me in the ass as I searched for addresses in the dark in my Domino's vehicle.

So looking back now, was it the conversation with the first time dad that made Mr.Fate say "So you think life's going to get easier for you?" Again, who knows, but what I do know is that I would trade this disease for day care, diapers, or formula any day. Hell, I would get out the Domino's outfit and strap on the big sign if it would change things. These health issues are just another hurdle, and we'll jump them just like the countless others we have encountered. Being broke and healthy sounds pretty tempting right now!

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