Wednesday, August 27, 2008

LSW Titans...

Kaylee started school last week. She is so happy to be back with her friends and her routine. I like watching her get her little life back. I have to admit that I missed taking her to and from school last year but we have a new year ahead of us. I guess the Quijas family is getting back to normal.

Christian is in eighth grade this year. He doesn't like his schedule or team as they call it but what do you do. Christian is such a good kid. He never causes any problems for us and has never got a detention or anything. So we have the start of yet another school year. Amazing.

I can't tell you how nice it is to pick Kaylee up from school. Kaylee told me she loves school and you can see it when she walks out of the doors. Her attitude is so wonderful and refreshing. She is scared to drive to school right now but I'm sure she'll get more comfortable as the year goes on. That's about it with us. Have a good day tomorrow and enjoy your family!

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