Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Grandma: Part 2

I want to update everyone on my Honduran efforts. I am filling out paper work for Kerry Magana's grandmother's Visa. I have Congressman Emanuel Cleaver on board to write me/us a letter of support. I secured Senator Bond's office yesterday. Today I made contact with Claire McCaskill and hopefully she will sign a letter as well. I have countless businesses ready to submit letters as well.

I feel grateful that so many people have offered to help. I need more though. I need everyone to sign a letter, a signature or something to show the Consulate that Kansas City cares about their children. I started a website called caringforkerry.com that should be up soon. Does anyone have any suggestions how I can get signatures? Would I write the letter and put it in a blog then have the end user copy, paste, put it in a email resend it to me through email? I am up for any suggestions. I need thousands of signatures. I need to get it going asap. I'm tired and could use any help.

KMBC 9 is doing a story tomorrow on the situation. Thank you Maria Antonia. I only wish I could figure out the signature campaign. Please feel free to email at michael@inadtv.com if you can help me figure it out. I pray we get this little girl's family here.


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