Monday, February 18, 2008

Break the Darkness...

Kay is feeling much better these days. She is starting to get back to that comfortable state. I think we do the long chemo treatment on Wednesday. She gets chemo then the flush. I hope we have little side effects. At this point its so hard to judge how Kays body will react. We need to take our medicine on a routine basis but it would be nice to get a break for more than a week. Treatment is our priority.

Today was an OK day. I stayed up too late last night and getting up this morning was a challenge of sorts. If I see Kaylee's light on then I stay up later. I never want Kaylee to fight the night alone. Kaylee has been sleeping longer and getting up later. Such a change from a week or so ago. I feel better knowing that Kaylee has one of us up to keep her company if she needs it. Night time can be a lonely time. Night time is a little more fun when your Dad is Michael Quijas and he resides in a room just a few steps from your door. I will go for the late night food run. Coffee if you can handle it. Hell, I've been known to take a late night cruise just to break the darkness!

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