Sunday, February 10, 2008

The 5 Minute Blog...

I am heading to baseball this morning with Christian. We have baseball starting to gear up for our spring season. I feel very attached to our team due to the Columbia experience with Kaylee's diagnosis. They are teammates, friends, and family.

Christian is moaning in his bed because he says it is too early for any one to wake and play baseball. He has a point, but obligations are obligations. I can't believe how cold it is outside. This winter has been extremely cold. I can't wait until the spring and summer season. This time has passed rather quickly. Halloween seems like it was last week, and Christmas was yesterday.

I wish I could tell you that Kaylee is running laps but she isn't. We hope that whatever is in her causing pain leaves soon. We never thought she would have so much trouble as this treatment thing winds down. Kaylee will have to do dosages of steroids and chemo for the next 2 years but at smaller dosages. Hopefully this pain will go back to where ever it came from. Have a good day and enjoy your family.

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