Saturday, September 22, 2007

Heading South...

Kaylee is feverish and it looks like it keeps rising. We are going to the hospital. It is .5 from the the temp that lands us in the hospital. I'm home alone with Kay tonight and it looks like I'll be a visitor at Children's Mercy in the next hour.

I hate checking in because we have to go through the E.R.. So many sick kids and dangerous. When you have no immune system anything can get you sick in there. Kaylee looks good but her head is hot. I hate the hospital. It is terrible to say that but I'm so sick of making her go. Appointments and unplanned visits wear you down. We are lucky to have Children's Mercy so close, so its not the hospital but the disease that I hate. Sorry CMH!

Kay and I are waiting until 10:22 to check the temp again. Tammie is out with her friends and I'm the captain of this ship tonight. So our course might be north to the hospital if the health heads south.

So what are your plans tonight?

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