Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Chicken Parmesan

I invite you to look at my baby girl on www.youtube.com , her link is on this blog but here it is, http://www.youtube.com/mquijas , and look how beautiful she is. On this video player double click the play icon, but it is not playing sound, atleast not for me. It does on youtube.com. The video is only 30 sec. and it is hard to understand, but look how she smiles and takes everything in stride. I look at it and think how she smiles when says that her friends are bringing dinner over, just for her.
The weird thing is I'd never look at something sad on the internet or I would never type in leukemia in the search bar of google or youtube. It is tough to view your kid in something other then a dance recital, or a homemade music video. We're in our own category for now anyways. I've watched a few tear jerkers on the utube. But it was so different 2-3 months ago. That was someone far & distant, it was some one else, it was someones sad and terrible story in some other universe. But fraternity's have a way of getting members. Just when you think not my family, BAM! They say God only gives those things to people who can handle it. Maybe we should of acted weaker. I'm done with this blog.

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