Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I Hope You Dance...

I think when your child hits their teenage years, especially 14-15, they take friends over family. I did. I thought those friendships would never end. Some did and some didn't. But the ones that have endured and made it are priceless. To put a price on something that ages and grows is impossible.

Kaylee has had to put her friendships on hold in a sense. She can't go and do as the others because she is sick. My priority is Kaylees health, but I'm also concerned/worried about her social well being. That important part of growth, friendships. I wonder some times how hard it must be to sit back and miss that party,movie, or pizza. How upside down she must feel.

One day she is traveling to Florida with her best friend and the next day she is fighting for her life. Priorities are first but my heart goes out to her. Sunday it was Kaylee & me at the mall. Probably not her top pick to be there with but one thing she'll always have is her family.

Kaylee is blessed with great friends. But as her Father it hurts to see her confined to a bedroom. Hopefully her strength builds and her trips out can be with someone she picks to be with. Although I think I'm a fun guy, I probably won't make the cut if it was between me and those friends of hers. But for now its me! Enjoy Kaylees video.

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