Thursday, August 30, 2007

My Life, My Daughter

My favorite picture is this old pic of me, Tammie, and Ace our dog at the time. It was our first place together in Brookside. We had nothing but each other and a little girl on the way. Its framed and next to my side of the bed. We've taken better pictures but its the innocence captured that takes me back to a time that was special.

The main focus was this new child. But then you get into your routine, what was once new becomes the same as yesterday and you forget. I look at this picture and remember the fright,scare, and joy. Today it is back to those things. We're not sure what one day has in store to the next. But what we do know is that each day is a blessing and awkwardly enough it was something ugly like Leukemia to put things back into prospective.

Will all this make me and my family better, I'm not sure. But what we were given was an incident, a wake up call. Petty things don't really matter. What matters is that we try to do better, live better, and teach our children that there are more important things then fancy cars and big houses. What is really important is the way you live your life and the postive impact you have on others.

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