I asked a guy today if he was happy. He looked at me in amazement. I think he did so because it was a personal question. A question he wasn't expecting. He said "I'm 62 yrs. old and I'm where I want to be." I thought that must be a great place to be. Then he said, "funny you should ask because I lost my job months ago and I was scared what I was going to do." I listened closely and looked at him even harder. I thought 62 yrs. old, he could retire, enjoy his years with the wife, who he had mentioned earlier. He was an energetic guy, so I could see why he wouldn't want to. But then again, I was just observing and didn't know his story.
"But I knew Jesus would make everything all right." He said.
Hmm. I didn't know what to say. In years past I would get uncomfortable discussing Jesus or God with strangers. Why, I don't know. But today, I don't care. A good dose of Jesus is a good thing and probably just what I need.
I said "it's amazing how things work their way out." Possibly backing out of the conversation in my own way. He laughed and told me he thought it must be fate that we ended up together in a conversation that was initiated by a possible sell. I agreed. I told him that I was certain God put me there at that time. He mentioned Jesus, I threw out God, but whoever it was, I'm certain we were meant to cross paths at that exact moment.
I gave him a quick snapshot of my story. I told him that I was going through the toughest time of my life. I confessed that I could have never imagined that I would be lost at 43 yrs. of age. Starting all over and dealing with incredible loss. The worst part, I told him, was that I had given up. I lost my will to fight. I had become a sad pathetic mess. Not what I had envisioned for myself at this age or stage in my life. He said he understood completely.
He proceeded to share his story. How he had to leave a small town, hours away for Kansas City, to search for work. Put his house on the market, pack his wife and life up, and have faith that a 62 yr. old man could gain employment in a new city. Something he never could have imagined just a year before. Change at an age, when he was suppose to be coasting through life. Circumstances and events he had no control over.
Our stories were different but the same in a sense. We both had things thrown at us and we both had change to deal with. Our hurt may have been from different sources but the things we had to do were relevant to each of us and to those who love or care about us. His faith in Jesus or God gave him strength and that's great. A healthy crutch or cane, to lift you when you're down, is alright. I applaud those who can find reason to carry on when things look so black & bad. I was seeing nothing but bad for such a long time but today things are looking better as I have a place to be and people to talk to.
It's amazing what the mind and body can do. If you're feeling healthy, your attitude and swagger can carry you places. If not, then your sickness can dictate your direction. A sick person without confidence or self-esteem can quickly dissolve and disappear. I was that sick person for months, if not years. Just slowly slipping away. But I've been digging down deep lately and finding that fighter that was once inside me.
The gentleman I was talking to today, informed me that he was offered a job soon after his arrival to Kansas City. He recently started with the new company. The money is more than he was making in Cape Giradeau, Missouri and his co-workers been kind and welcoming. He knew that Jesus would take care of him. Again, our situations were different but just the same. He was losing sleep over employment and security as I was losing sleep over my own set of circumstances and baggage. The key is making it through the storm. If you can do that, then you know some sunshine is coming your way!