My title to this blog is misleading. I have a friend in the Woods and it is Ed, Jill, Courtney, Ashley, and
Bailee Woods. They're our family battling leukemia in Lee's Summit with us. I write confusing sometimes and I apologize. Bailee Woods is 15 yrs. old and boxing this thing we call leukemia. We are in her corner and they're in our corner.
Tonight we are going to a dinner in honor of Bailee. It starts tonight at 7:00 PM and it is exciting to have somewhere to go as a family. The event makes going out extra, extra special. We have so much in common - where we live, the age of our girls, and our all to familiar surroundings on 4-H CMH. We are friends with the Woods and it goes way deeper then any extra curriculum you've ever been involved in. We are fighting this thing called cancer.
When you experience this element of life it is hard to describe. Words sometimes can't paint the picture. Only someone else going through it knows. Take my word. So we have our common bond and I'm sure it is a bond you'd like to keep your distance from. But to have that partner who can relate is priceless. So what else can I say?
I'll give you an update on how the dinner went and how our night was. Maybe a photo or two. I hope I can show you our friends and a snapshot of our two beautiful girls. I hope your night goes well and you drive safe if you drive at all.
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