I had dinner with my son last night. We went to La Fuente Mexican Restaurant just a few blocks away. As we walk in I spot a flier with Kaylees picture on it. It is an information flier explaining the benefit at Jerry's Bait Shop.
The place is packed with a softball team, couples, families, and regular patrons. It was very busy. I watched as some people looked at Kaylees picture as they left, but most didn't. No big deal but very strange. Strange as a parent to think that I would ever have to post a picture of my little angel in a store front location. But fate or circumstances has a strange way of sneaking up on you.
When a local teenager was abducted on Saturday, June 2, 2007 I remember watching a local TV station interviewing her parents. They had in their hand a flier with their baby girl on it. Although I couldn't imagine their pain I was connected as a parent. I remember thinking how ugly life was for them at that moment. How that fear was evident as they sat with some reporter pleading with anyone for info. I took a moment that day to consider if that was to ever happen to us. It was the flier that made me think.
How surreal that must be to post a picture of your child in a public place. Instead of the mantle, you're asking some stranger to place your childs picture in his or her store. It made me hurt as if it were my child, nephew or niece. The flier was what shook me. How painful that must have been for her parents to sit with picture in hand, your most precious asset, and beg the public for any and all help in finding your child. Our situation is completely different but similiar when it comes to the heartbreak! Their Kelsey was missing. My Kaylees health is missing.
Two months later, family members are posting info in public places asking for support for Kaylee. The picture is what breaks my heart. These pictures are mine. In a normal day you might be lucky if I was to share those with you. They're my pictures, my child, my life.
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