Monday, October 7, 2019

A Poem For A Man Who Lost His Wife

There once was a girl, who watched The Price Is Right with passion, she often would say, it was Drew she adored, she could price things right, second to none, and that's the truth, the smile it put on her face, memories never replaced. Humor and laughter was her key to the day, that girl I speak of, so sick and so weak, each weekday at 10, with Drew and his crew, she'd tune in and laugh, that beautiful face, will never be replaced. That beautiful face left us last June, she's in a better place, how I wish I could see that face. That wish will have to wait, because I made my dear a promise, I swore to keep, show up I would, to the big show in person, regardless if by myself, she would have none of that, "you’ll never be alone, I'll always be by your side" she'd profess, so here I am, this last task on the list, before she left, she told me this "If you get called down, and if you have any doubt, shout out loud, these three words - One dollar Drew!" I’m not worried, the outcome, The Price is Right, thank you I say, it’s the reason I’m here, to play would be great, but regardless I’m keeping my promise, this last wish on her list. I hope I will do, it would have been better, her standing here, in my place, but it's me here today, to say to you and the crew, because of all of you, the days were lighter and our room was brighter, with laughter and with smile. I thank you so much for the memories the show brought, it's ones I hold dear, these times have been trying, when I any doubt, I listen real close, real silent too, I can hear that beautiful voice, so clear and so true, yelling out - "One dollar Drew!"

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