Monday, September 29, 2008

So what do you do?

I'm happy to announce that Kerry Magana is doing great. My good friend from the Guadalupe Center, Christina Jasso, gave me the news today. I was scared to call because I wasn't really wanting to deal with bad news if there was any. A weak position to take but I avoided all calls from the hospital this weekend. So if you called and I didn't answer SORRY!

Tammie's 20 Year Class Reunion is this weekend. I haven't decided whether I'm going or not. It sounds fun but I'm not sure if I'm up to it. I'm wanting to go in a way because my reunion was tough with Kay in the hospital but then I remember it was painfully boring for me. Not the people but the whole "so what do you do now?" I do like that this one is at a bar instead of the reception hall ours was held in. I can camp out at the bar if I get socially detached! Who knows. Have a great week and love the one your with.

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