Saturday, June 28, 2008

Grandma: Part 1

Dear Representative Cleaver,
My name is Michael Quijas. I am a proud father of a young 15 yr-old girl who is fighting cancer, leukemia. We were diagnosed on June 21, 2007. This last year was very hard and unpredictable. We have been fighting for our daughter's health and have had to dig dip inside to get through certain days. We were blessed with a strong family, with friends, and community that rallied behind us.

Along our journey we made friends with other families battling similar sickness in their kids. I write you tonight about one mother in particular, a mother that is struggling to keep her family afloat. Her name is Claudia and her beautiful daughter's name is Kerry Magana. Claudia is a single mother with 3 kids. She has no family or friends to help her. Until recently she had been riding the bus to work, she has walked to Children's Mercy Hospital from East KC, and she has had to let her sick daughter ride the bus alone to get her chemo in the clinic. Since Claudia is the only provider in the home she is forced to leave Kerry daily so she can work to keep a roof over the family's head. She needs help, she needs your help.

Kerry's grandmother lives in Honduras and has tried unsuccessfully to get a Visa to come stay with the family until Kerry's bone marrow transplant is complete. They deemed Kerry's case not an emergency. As a father who has a child battling the same disease, it is an emergency. This little girl is fighting alone daily with no one to over see her taking her meds, (with blood disease you could sleep all day and not even know it), the bone marrow transplant requires that this little girl stay hospitalized for 6-8 weeks following the procedure. There needs to be someone there with her. Right now Claudia has to be at the hospital every Wednesday to sign off on the chemotherapy that Kerry receives. She is at risk of losing her job due to the demands of this disease. She needs someone to help her, someone like her mother, someone to bring comfort and assistance like only a mother can. As my Congressman, as a Congressman who's a father, a grandfather I ask you to please lend your help, your hand in saving this beautiful little girl.

We need a Humanitarian Visa for this little girl's Grandmother. Please help me help them. The Guadalupe Center has been blown away by this Mother's story and is requesting an application from Mr. Ruiz. Please take a look at this application and let us know what can be done through your office/resources.

I own a TV channel - InAd TV - that plays Kansas City's top restaurants, nightclubs, and entertainment venues (The Power & Light/KC Live). If I can ever help with a cause, an event, or a campaign please know I'm here for you! Please give me a call or an email and I can give you more details or info regarding Kerry Magana.

I'm a blessed man because I can provide my family with the tools, resources, and time needed to fight this thing as comfortably as possible. I'm blessed that I get to have my wife next to my daughter daily as we fight our sickness. My wife and I both have the luxury to rub our daughter's back as she gets so sick. Imagine if you were a parent and couldn't be there for your child. I only hope we can help because if by chance this little girl passes away I don't want this mother to have any regrets! I want grandma here so she can rub the back if mom has to work.

At first I thought why would God give this to us. But now I know. He gave me this so I might help others. I just created a non-profit called - 10 Kids Insured - that will insure children lacking health care in programs such as Operation Breakthrough and Guadalupe Center. What I thought was a curse has turned into a blessing! Please help Kerry Magana and her mother. They are legal residents of the US and they need some representation. Thank you Mr. Cleaver.

Thank you,
Michael Quijas

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