Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Our Marine...

We had treatments today, again. Kaylee had to do a spinal tap and receive blood. The girls went early this morning and are still there. Kaylee is having blood transfused until 6 or 7 tonight. I went to the hospital sometime around 2 or 3 and brought lunch. Kaylee was coming out of her medical induced state when I arrived.

My nephew Matt Quijas is in town from the Marines. Matt and I had lunch today and then we headed to CMH to deliver lunch to Kaylee and Tammie. Matt stayed at our house when we were first diagnosed with leukemia in June. Since we were in Columbia and Matt was on leave it worked out perfectly. Matt is such a great young man. He recently turned 22 yr. old. He was a savior for our pets when we were stranded in Columbia.

I was so scared to leave Columbia when we first got diagnosed. I was ready to move there because I didn't know any better. When we were there, we were the only kid with cancer in the hospital. That should have told us something. Well I won't keep you any longer but I thought I would let you know how we are doing.

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