Monday, January 28, 2008

Bored and Tired...

01/28/08 - Hello there. I am sitting in a conference call right now and bored to death. I've decided to write a blog because I'm going crazy listening to these IT guys talk a lot of foreign terms I know nothing about. So here I am.

I had a good weekend. We did absolutely nothing. It was relaxing. We picked up a ping pong table and had fun with that. I'm boring today, not much to say. I just left the conference call because all that mumbo jumbo gives me a headache. I decided to go to my office and lay down and finish my blog. If I offend anyone by laying down on my couch at 3:30, I'm sorry. I can and I am.

Did you do anything exciting this weekend? The weather was beautiful. I'm going to stop this entry because I have zero to say right now and I feel this conversation is going cheesy. Forgive me and I'll talk later.

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