Monday, November 26, 2007

11/26/07 - 5:30 PM

We received a phone call tonight that hurt. Rachel Boyce (Rachel Rand) called tonight to let us know that her mother, Elaine Cropper, passed away from complications related to her breast cancer. Her fight ended sometime around 5:30 PM tonight. We've known Rachel since high school. We all grew up together, and we were great friends with Elaine. The news was hurtful and painful but I felt relief for Elaine. No more hurting and no more sickness.

I feel for Rachel and her family. It can't imagine the pain associated with their loss. I said a prayer for their family as we drove off from the house. I always feel so much hurt when I think about the sadness. The sadness of the first night must be paralysing. How it would feel like a nightmare when you wake in the morning, if you sleep at all.

Well I was just checking in since it seems like weeks since I've written anything. If you need me I'll be in the hospital starting Wednesday. I know many of you might know Rachel, so if you want to send her a message, her email address is‎ . We'll talk soon.

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