Monday, September 17, 2007


Me and Kaylee checked into the hospital last night. Her fever rose to 102 and we made the trip to the Children's Mercy ER. They put us in a clean room, germ free, in the ER. I'm not so certain that it is a "clean room" but we're segregated from the ER population. The people there are always nice and move Kaylee quickly.

I can't explain the uncertainty of this thing. I was sooooo comfortable last night and its like enemy troops moving in. A battlefield! That's what it's like. War. I'm comfortable and ready to relax and that siren,sound, or bomb goes off. We have to move and move quickly. The fever is the battle of the night and Leukemia is our enemy!

We drive, just Kaylee and I, to the hospital. She is geared for the cold temps in the hospital. She has a beany cap, a hoodie on, sweats, and UG boots. She tops it off with a mask. She resembles the uni-bomber. But I watch her as she travels. She's in a pissy mood to start. But she observes out the window the entire time. I want to know what shes thinking.

They say I asked too many questions, and I do. But I want to know what shes thinking. That's some powerful stuff right now. What is a 15 yr. old thinking as she drives to the hospital at 9:55 pm? Sorrow, anger, sadness, relief? I want to know, I want to document it. I need the info for later. I asked and she says"Whats it matter?"

I get mad. I won't lie. I wonder if she realizes that I don't want to put shorts on and drive 30 minutes to the hospital. It's an inconvenience for me too. That sounds bad, but it is true. I wanted to finish the San Diego vs. New England game. But I have priorities, and if I want ask a question then I think I deserve an answer. We're all in this thing together. But if we're going to battle I want to know all about the enemy.

Her counts were good after doing blood work. The fever dropped and we were discharged early this morning. But I'm tired. I'm suppose to be all smiles and head to the office but I'm tired. Is it ok to sleep in if you were in the hospital until morning? Well I own the business and I say yes it is ok. So if you call and don't get an answer then you know why!

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