Sunday, September 30, 2007

Do You Worry?

We've got high fevers tonight. It keeps bouncing up and down, but up more then down. I caught Tammie crying. She was alone in the kitchen and broke down. She said Kaylee just got released and she didn't want to go back to the hospital. It's forty-eight hour stays at the minimum. We hate to make her go back. But we have to do what we have to do. It's worry.

We worry she's going to get sick, really sick. Maybe not tonight, but one of these times. I've mentioned immune so many times that I can't believe it's part of my vocabulary. Its a predictor, director, and dictator of what we can and cannot do. So if I mention immune 100,000 times again I'm sorry. But it's my worry, it's my child, and it's her cancer - it's our lives.

Tonight I got to the gym at 6:00 and was called at 6:34 and told of the pending problem. Fever. I hate fever, and I hate the weekends now. It is becoming a reoccurring problem on the weekends. What was once our relaxation days have become the stand-by days. We stand-by with bags packed. I had to leave the gym, and I drove home.

Kays fever got to 102, and we had her shower to drop the fever. Admission is 101.5 but the doctors said try a shower, they know we just got released. The shower helped. But it is holding at 100.8. We are positive we will be admitted sometime in the next few hours. All we can do is wait and worry. But does that do any good? Probably not, but we can't help it. What are your worries?

I looked at guy at the gym tonight. He looked like a skin head. His demeanor was that of a hard person. I so badly wanted to ask him if he worries. I know everyone has worries. Work, family, relationships, bills. But I swear this guy looked like he didn't have any worries. He was a mean guy. People kept walking up and shaking hands with him. Respect. Fear. Celebrity. Not sure but I didn't ask, I thought if he said to "fuck off" (sorry kids for the profanity) I'd have to smack him or their was a strong possibility he'd smack me. Terrible. But sometimes I want to know what others worry about. I miss those old fashion traditional worries.

What I wouldn't do to worry about the dirty carpet, the grass, and the dishes. Throw in a curfew violation. Hell I'd accept a school suspension tonight. Sneak the car out. Break a window. Accidently burn the house down, I wouldn't care or worry as long as we all made it out. Since none of those are happening tonight, I have to deal with the reality of my worry. Fever. Someone else has it worse then us, but that saying isn't helping me and my family tonight. Selfish, I know. But again what is your worry?

How weird is this, John Mellencamp is playing on the radio. His song is "Ain't Even Done with the Night, from the Alblum "Nothin' Matters and What If It Did" - Is John trying to tell me something? My blog "That Day" deals with Mr.Mellencamp and his song "Jack and Diane"

Anyhoo, we are waiting with thermometer in hand, but once again I ask "Do you Worry?
Good night and don't worry, the grass can be mowed, glasses can be cleaned, and Stanley Steemer is just a phone call away. Peace.

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