The Cheese In Your Life!
There was an experiment some years back regarding choices. It was a study that focused on choices and if a species lower than the human race could adjust and change their routine based off their choice, their action, and the outcome. The species that was chosen was a rat and to motivate him they used cheese. They rigged three tunnels into mazes and baited just one with a piece of cheese. So if the rat went into a tunnel he'd have to work the entire tunnel to come out of it empty handed. So the rat traveled all three tunnels and found the tunnel which held the cheese. Ultimately and amazingly, the rat bypassed the two tunnels that help no treasure, cheese, and went straight for the tunnel that had a his cheese. The test proved that a rat won't waste any of his time if the path he's on holds no reward, he adjusts to get the cheese.
But unfortunately there are many human beings, who in spite of being highly evolved creatures, do not seem to have the simple judgement that the rat showed in this experiment. These human beings spend an entire lifetime moving up and down the same tunnel looking for something that does not exist and yet refuse to change track. In fact, they also have their family members, friends and acquaintances concede that the track they're on is the right one, despite being fully aware of the fact that there is no “cheese” at the end of the tunnel. No reward - money, happiness, fulfillment, love.
What they do not realize is that carrying out this pointless exercise for the rest of their lives will do them no good, and in fact be counterproductive, because they will end up feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled. This behavior is especially true with families that come from low-income families and those with beginnings in the inner-city.
If you are empathizing with this situation and don’t want to be like a rat who goes up and the same tunnel where there is no cheese, you can take action right now!
Everything in life is about making a choice. It is as easy as choosing what you want to wear. You would not want to wear those out of fashion clothes that are lying in your wardrobe now would you? So why choose to be in a job, relationship, or a life situation that is sucking the energy out of you? Yet generation after generation will continue to live the way that they were brought up.
Change Is In Your Hand
It’s time you took matters into your own hand, if you really want things to change. Why wait and blame the situation, if you find yourself stuck?
All the present situations that you find yourself in now, are a result of the choices that you have made in the past. And if you choose to stay put and do nothing to change the situation, things are going to be like that forever. You can keep telling yourself that there are logical and reasonable explanations about why you are in the situation that you are in now, but it is worthwhile to remember that you alone are responsible for it.
It is indeed like moving up and down the same tunnel without any payoffs. Don’t unnecessarily delay your life by procrastinating. If you do that, it will be like saying you want to drive only when all the signals in the city are green.
There is no denying that taking the first step is indeed a difficult thing to do, but unless you do take the first step nothing is ever going to change. But once you do take that step, you're heading in the right direction. Even if you get scared along the way, turning a new page and corner in life takes time, hard work, and patience. But don't run from it, embrace it.
If you have taken a step, the step, possibly in an arena unfamiliar or you've entered into a new relationship with someone that is different from what you're used to, have patience. Change doesn't come immediately - but it will come.
As impossible as that may be, so is the fact that life is going to be without any problems. Change may seem to be difficult and uncomfortable in the beginning, but eventually you will find yourself liberated, if you truly choose to do what your heart desires - work hard, love deep, live life, and go get your cheese!
REWIND - We’ve decided that we're not satisfied with just the crumbs, we want the whole block of cheese. But before we do anything life changing, take irreversible steps forward, let’s make sure by agreeing to the terms of - The Success, Together Contract. I believe and live by this agreement without the contract but if you weren't sure about your lover/partner I'd suggest signing a contract like this one. If I love you and with you, I'm for you and I'm true. But others aren't the same, a lot of fair weather folk out there, who can't endure or who always have a towel in hand. Fair weather fan, partner, lover...look it up.
1. Do we both we agree that we’ve had enough dissatisfaction in this life, up to this point, to inspire, drive, and propel one another towards better things, more importantly, to success?
A. Do we have enough determination, drive and persistence to make our own success in life?
B. Are we able to handle the hard work, the patience, and can we endure the humility that comes from doing something others are unwilling to do?
C. Are we willing to put the time, energy, and effort behind everything we do to achieve success, our success?
D. Is our bond as such, that either of us could grab the other, when the towel is in the other’s hand, ready to concede defeat, to tell that person we can do this, we got this, and as long as one of us, you or I, has a breathe then we both have that breathe, because we’re one?
2. Knowing in advance, that we put service before self, can we agree to forget the notion that business and personal are separate and accept that everything we do, from here on out, is always going to be personal?
A. Can we handle the fact that we won’t execute everything flawlessly, that success is not inevitable, assured or guaranteed?
B. Are we willing to make a pact together that we’ll only use forward thinking to achieve our success goals?
C. A pact that we equally commit to that we hold under contract that we’ll equally, put in the time, pay any and all dues, and keep our eyes on the prize?
3. It’s also under contract that we promise to hold, protect, and defend one another against any entity, power, or person that attempts to divide and conquer one or both parties, those parties being you and I?
4. And lastly, we agree that if we ever feel the urge to run, hide, or seek shelter elsewhere that we’ll never abandon the other, where one goes the other shall follow, we take the extra mile together, where ever?
By saying “I do” we’ll be pronounced partners and officially titled “History Makers, Game Changers” From this moment forward, we’ll make history together, and it doesn’t have to change the entire world, just ours and that of our family’s. Together, by virtue of being alive and being here at the exact same time in this vast universe, we have the power and ability to make a difference in this world. Let’s get busy and let’s make history, and we’ll make it a great one, together!
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