Saturday, October 20, 2018

You The Man Cristofani...

Jimmy Cristofani is undoubtedly a great man. He cuts the grass at the food pantry for free, every week for the past 8 years, that guy. Mild manner all the way, but I dare you to yell today or tomorrow, “You The Man - Jimmy C!”

He’ll waste no time, heed my warning. “You got it all wrong, I ain't the MAN, that title belongs to the late, and the so, so, great Jackie C., he be that man, The Man!” Like a rubber band rearing back for another snap, he’ll tell you, “ I’m proud to say he was my friend, it’s true, I’m standing a little taller and I’ve acquired a holler, it’s just excitement you see, and such an honor, because The Man was my father. A teacher too many, some called a scholar, if you have just a minute I’ll tell you his story.”

You see, Jackie C. was once a proud student, educated in those there buildings, at SJU, St. John’s University, the place he held highest, all through his life, he held in high regard, that when he arrived, he was just a boy but as he would say, when that man left, he didn’t know it all but SJU taught him a lot, so when he was rounding third base, the last semester of class, the prize was at his fingers, given the chance he’d do it again. It made no difference, he was heading to home plate, just a few more hours of classes, he’d be at home plate, the first Cristofani to graduate. Happy and proud, Jack C. thought of others, mainly his mama and papa, they’d should be so proud, their little boy would have so many opportunities in life and work, destiny, so it seemed.

Where was I at, this story makes me cry, here it is. Educated at SJU like I said, Go Red Storm, once more, a great institution, that place he called home changed his life, in his presence, if word was spoken of his school, some say he grew taller in front of your eyes, he once was measured to see if the rumor true, the results weren’t posted, were not certain, if the NDA had yet been invented, what is certain is that Jackie C. wore his ring proudly, he found that his at SJU profoundly changed his life, for the better for certain no question about it. It wasn’t til later that he shared; it wasn’t in his stars, that certain degree. Such a regret, he later would admit, it wasn’t “why” he didn’t get it, he had peace with that, “how” was that not possible, just hours away, but that’s enough of that, he would always say.

His dad suddenly passed away, just before his runner tagged the bag at home. But before he went, he had but only a whisper, one breathe left, please make me a promise, my dear son, you'll look after your mother and teach your brother too, just as I did you, and without hesitation nor refrain, without any doubt, he gave his response, very loud, like a man who was ready to run a house, his house. I got this papa, without a doubt, I'll look out, I'll do the right thing, I'll never forsake. I say this to you, so you get rest, is this is not true? My name, John Louis Cristofani, I stake this claim, a name we both carry, from this day on, I will live life the best, and when tough decisions arrive, If I should be put to the test, no matter who's watching, no matter who's not, I know the difference from right and from the wrong, you were my teacher, who taught me so much, on top of it all, you loved us so much, my promise to you, I'll make you so proud, I will do the right things, you’ll never be let down. Papa, if you find yourself prideful, because I do right, I ask that you please stop. My name is Cristofani, just like you, our name and word, is all we have, be proud that I know, these two words and the value they hold, that’s where you should the proudest of all, because I listened to you, taught that poor decisions can be made, forgiven too, but when you lose the castle and the crown, the word and the name, life is but over, to never regain. Risk it all, I will never do, these two things so important to you. Our name and our world will never be tarnished not just today, but my whole life through.

And like he said, he did just that, he often thought of getting that degree just a few credits he could work them in, Jack C. weighed in his head, but by this time he was married to Miraim, his love of his life, over 30 years, and had 5 kids together they did, his school, a place he once called home would have to wait, St. John's will always be there he would say. He loved his family and his home, those kids a handful, and before he knew it, that job at Hackney & Son’s for 33 years, had turned him old. Those kids, John, Regina, Joseph and Jim where all in a row, a few years later that Tom arrived, more sprinkle to the eye, Jackie C. felt young and like a new man, as the years rolled by, being in the moment was his advice, being present to teach all he could, that degree made him take notice, nothing is promised and that includes tomorrow, it’s true, rounding third base, life is sometimes funny other times cruel, it’s can happen just like that, rounding third, and just like that, Jackie C. got sick. Soon after, the diagnosis was delivered, the ill was in his bones, I believe, they all prayed together, they were certain that dad, that strong man, could beat it, the whole town and community, all prayed for Jack, their Jack C. would get back to good. But as we all know, God has his plan, Jackie C., the man of all men, knew that too, he had to do the right thing, he fought for his family, but just for a minute, he was a man of honor, God had given his orders, so he slipped away, on 16th of December 2002. he was called home, heaven he went with his papa waiting right at the gate, looking at his son who hadn't aged a day, I never doubted you, my son. I'm so proud, how you lived like a man when just a boy, you tackled all the tough decisions, that life tossed at you, with reason and wisdom, and because of that we're giving you a title, a title so great and revealed with honor, it appears there's no contenders, but there is just one we need to consider, that boy of yours who goes by the name Jimmy C. but who’s to worry, our name held high with honor, it's my privilege, to say this to you, my name sake, my boy, and the one I adore, after this moment, from here on out, you're forever remembered, it’s all in God’s glory, regarded, and noted with a title in hand – a title that reads, “You before us, did the right thing and made all right choices, time and time again, you went from a boy, to a man, in just a minute, you that man - The Man - Jackie C.!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Help others, Love others, be Kind to others.


Kindness is cool. Words of comfort is Kind. It's compassion when you comfort. Understanding when you show compassion. A friend when you understand. A voice of reason speaks well to a friend. Love can speak well to reason. Happiness breeds more love. Being confident will make you happy. Being proud leads to confidence. Good communication is something you should be proud of. Caring what you say is good communication. Generosity towards others shows you care. To foster a sense of community it's best to be generous. Taking action in a positive way makes for a better community. You can be part of the cure or part of the disease it's up to you to take action. Educating yourself gives you the power and ability to snuff out disease or help with cures. Good self-esteem is birthed by education. Being healthy gives you positive self-esteem. Life is the husband of health. Positive people live longer. There' no extra energy to burn if you want to be positive. Good people put out good energy. Everything above leads to good people, Good People aren't hard to find they just want to be around the same, Good People too. 





Friday, October 12, 2018



I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”
— Thomas Edison,
Inventor and Scientist

Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.”
— Anonymous

The best reason to start an organization is to make meaning – to create a product or service to make the world a better place.”
— Guy Kawasaki,
Entrepreneur, Investor, Author

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
— Mark Twain,

Genius is 1% inspiration, and 99% perspiration.”
— Thomas Edison,
Inventor and Scientist

What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail?”
— Robert Schuller,
Televangelist and Pastor

You must fall in love with what you do, because being an entrepreneur is a lot of hard work, and overcoming a lot of adversity. From that love will come the dedication that will get you out of bed at 4 a.m. because of a great idea you just had and get you to work till 11 p.m. and not feel tired.”
— Ken Field,
Real Estate Magnate

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.” — Theodore Roosevelt,
26th President of the United States

The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.”
— Albert Einstein,
Theoretical Physicist

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”
— Albert Schweitzer,
Theologian, Organist, Philosopher

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
— Winston Churchill,
British Politician

Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.”
— Henry Ford,
American Industrialist

What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
— Napoleon Hill,

The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.”
— Vince Lombardi,
NFL Coach

Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.”
— Chinese Proverb

If I had eight hours to chop down a tree I would spend six hours sharpening my axe.”
— Abraham Lincoln,
16th President of the United States

Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.”
— Yoda,
Jedi Master

Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers.”
— Stephen R. Covey,

Choose a job that you like, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
— Confucius ,
Thinker and Philosopher

An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson,
Writer and Poet

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”
— Jim Rohn,
Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker

Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.”
— Richard Branson,
British Industrialist

Action is the foundational key to all success.”
— Pablo Picasso,
Spanish Painter

Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph: a beginning, a struggle and a victory.”
— Mahatma Gandhi,
Political and Spiritual Leader

Once you say you’re going to settle for second, that’s what happens to you in life.”
— John F. Kennedy,
35th President of the United States

Some people dream of great accomplishments, while others stay awake and do them.”
— Anonymous

Experience taught me a few things. One is to listen to your gut, no matter how good something sounds on paper. The second is that you’re generally better off sticking with what you know. And the third is that sometimes your best investments are the ones you don’t make.”
— Donald Trump,
Real Estate and Entertainment Mogul

The entrepreneur in us sees opportunities everywhere we look, but many people see only problems everywhere they look. The entrepreneur in us is more concerned with discriminating between opportunities than he or she is with failing to see the opportunities.”
— Michael Gerber,
Author and Entrepreneur

An entrepreneur tends to bite off a little more than he can chew hoping he’ll quickly learn how to chew it.”
— Roy Ash,
California State Senator

The most valuable thing you can make is a mistake – you can’t learn anything from being perfect.”
— Adam Osborne,
American Author

A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.”
— John C. Maxwell,
Author and Speaker

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
— Albert Einstein,
Theoretical Physicist

As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big.”
— Donald Trump,
Real Estate and Entertainment Mogul

Don’t make friends who are comfortable to be with. Make friends who will force you to lever yourself up.”
— Thomas J. Watson,
President of IBM

Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”
— Winston Churchill,
British Politician

In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.”
— Bill Cosby,
Comedian, Actor, Author

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”
— John C. Maxwell,
Author and Speaker

You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.”
— Zig Ziglar,
Author and Speaker

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”
— Jim Rohn,
Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker

A goal is a dream with a deadline.”
— Napoleon Hill,

Vision without action is daydreaming and action without vision is a nightmare.”
— Chinese Proverb

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”
— Walt Disney,
Director, Writer, Producer, Animator, Entrepreneur

Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”
— Bill Gates,
American Business Magnate and Philanthropist

I’ve always worked very, very hard, and the harder I worked, the luckier I got.”
— Alan Bond,
Australian Businessman

Success is how high you bounce after you hit bottom.”
— General George Patton,
US War Commander

I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.”
— Michael Jordan,
Professional Basketball Player

Money won’t make you happy… but everybody wants to find out for themselves.”
— Zig Ziglar,
Author and Speaker

I studied the lives of great men and famous women, and I found that the men and women who got to the top were those who did the jobs they had in hand, with everything they had of energy and enthusiasm and hard work.”
— Harry Truman,
33rd President of the United States

If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, you don’t! If you want to win, but think you can’t, It’s almost a cinch you won’t. If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost; For out in the world, we find success begins with a fellow’s will; it’s all in the state of the mind. Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger and faster man, but sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.”
— Walter D. Wintle,
American Poet

Pinky Promise

Thursday, October 11, 2018


The Cheese In Your Life!

There was an experiment some years back regarding choices. It was a study that focused on choices and if a species lower than the human race could adjust and change their routine based off their choice, their action, and the outcome. The species that was chosen was a rat and to motivate him they used cheese. They rigged three tunnels into mazes and baited just one with a piece of cheese. So if the rat went into a tunnel he'd have to work the entire tunnel to come out of it empty handed. So the rat traveled all three tunnels and found the tunnel which held the cheese. Ultimately and amazingly, the rat bypassed the two tunnels that help no treasure, cheese, and went straight for the tunnel that had a his cheese. The test proved that a rat won't waste any of his time if the path he's on holds no reward, he adjusts to get the cheese.

But unfortunately there are many human beings, who in spite of being highly evolved creatures, do not seem to have the simple judgement that the rat showed in this experiment. These human beings spend an entire lifetime moving up and down the same tunnel looking for something that does not exist and yet refuse to change track. In fact, they also have their family members, friends and acquaintances concede that the track they're on is the right one, despite being fully aware of the fact that there is no “cheese” at the end of the tunnel. No reward - money, happiness, fulfillment, love.

What they do not realize is that carrying out this pointless exercise for the rest of their lives will do them no good, and in fact be counterproductive, because they will end up feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled. This behavior is especially true with families that come from low-income families and those with beginnings in the inner-city.

If you are empathizing with this situation and don’t want to be like a rat who goes up and the same tunnel where there is no cheese, you can take action right now!

Everything in life is about making a choice. It is as easy as choosing what you want to wear. You would not want to wear those out of fashion clothes that are lying in your wardrobe now would you? So why choose to be in a job, relationship, or a life situation that is sucking the energy out of you? Yet generation after generation will continue to live the way that they were brought up.

Change Is In Your Hand

It’s time you took matters into your own hand, if you really want things to change. Why wait and blame the situation, if you find yourself stuck?

All the present situations that you find yourself in now, are a result of the choices that you have made in the past. And if you choose to stay put and do nothing to change the situation, things are going to be like that forever. You can keep telling yourself that there are logical and reasonable explanations about why you are in the situation that you are in now, but it is worthwhile to remember that you alone are responsible for it.

It is indeed like moving up and down the same tunnel without any payoffs. Don’t unnecessarily delay your life by procrastinating. If you do that, it will be like saying you want to drive only when all the signals in the city are green.

There is no denying that taking the first step is indeed a difficult thing to do, but unless you do take the first step nothing is ever going to change. But once you do take that step, you're heading in the right direction. Even if you get scared along the way, turning a new page and corner in life takes time, hard work, and patience. But don't run from it, embrace it.

If you have taken a step, the step, possibly in an arena unfamiliar or you've entered into a new relationship with someone that is different from what you're used to, have patience. Change doesn't come immediately - but it will come.

As impossible as that may be, so is the fact that life is going to be without any problems. Change may seem to be difficult and uncomfortable in the beginning, but eventually you will find yourself liberated, if you truly choose to do what your heart desires - work hard, love deep, live life, and go get your cheese!

REWIND - We’ve decided that we're not satisfied with just the crumbs, we want the whole block of cheese. But before we do anything life changing, take irreversible steps forward, let’s make sure by agreeing to the terms of - The Success, Together Contract.   I believe and live by this agreement without the contract but if you weren't sure about your lover/partner I'd suggest signing a contract like this one. If I love you and with you, I'm for you and I'm true. But others aren't the same, a lot of fair weather folk out there, who can't endure or who always have a towel in hand. Fair weather fan, partner, lover...look it up.


1. Do we both we agree that we’ve had enough dissatisfaction in this life, up to this point, to inspire, drive, and propel one another towards better things, more importantly, to success?

A. Do we have enough determination, drive and persistence to make our own success in life?

B. Are we able to handle the hard work, the patience, and can we endure the humility that comes from doing something others are unwilling to do?

C. Are we willing to put the time, energy, and effort behind everything we do to achieve success, our success?

D. Is our bond as such, that either of us could grab the other, when the towel is in the other’s hand, ready to concede defeat, to tell that person we can do this, we got this, and as long as one of us, you or I, has a breathe then we both have that breathe, because we’re one?

2. Knowing in advance, that we put service before self, can we agree to forget the notion that business and personal are separate and accept that everything we do, from here on out, is always going to be personal?

A. Can we handle the fact that we won’t execute everything flawlessly, that success is not inevitable, assured or guaranteed?

B. Are we willing to make a pact together that we’ll only use forward thinking to achieve our success goals?

C. A pact that we equally commit to that we hold under contract that we’ll equally, put in the time, pay any and all dues, and keep our eyes on the prize?

3. It’s also under contract that we promise to hold, protect, and defend one another against any entity, power, or person that attempts to divide and conquer one or both parties, those parties being you and I?

4. And lastly, we agree that if we ever feel the urge to run, hide, or seek shelter elsewhere that we’ll never abandon the other, where one goes the other shall follow, we take the extra mile together, where ever?

By saying “I do” we’ll be pronounced partners and officially titled “History Makers, Game Changers” From this moment forward, we’ll make history together, and it doesn’t have to change the entire world, just ours and that of our family’s. Together, by virtue of being alive and being here at the exact same time in this vast universe, we have the power and ability to make a difference in this world. Let’s get busy and let’s make history, and we’ll make it a great one, together!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Some Cheese Please Vol. 1

Preparation for tomorrow is hard work today. – Bruce Lee

I found some very crude renderings of a series of short essays, Self-Help/How To short books – that I did 6 nearly 7 years ago; I called them “Some Cheese Please” Vol. 1- Vol. 13. They were inspired by my daughter Kaylee needing some cheese for her Quesadilla. I was so grief stricken, deathly ill, over certain situations that I couldn't put cheese in the refrigerator (I did the grocery shopping for nearly 25+ years) because I was sick in my head and my heart had a hole in it. I wasn’t able to hop in the car and fetch the cheese.

I feel that nothing we do is in vain. Time spent hurting usually spins off into growth. Unfamiliar territory normally leads to knowledge of new things, and bad stuff almost always turns into wisdom. The time I spent writing, wasting or passing the time, may turn out to be time well spent. I say that because I’ve been researching how certain authors make a living off Kindle eBooks on Amazon. It looks like those little essays I wrote are in high demand, the 20-40 pg. Kindle eBooks. I started looking into the Amazon and the online eBook industry. I know it takes individuals years to write just one book which most never make it into anyone else's hands beside family and friends.

Along with the Some Cheese Please How-to collections I opened up a short story I wrote about my Aunt Connie. I recently posted it on my social sites. I actually didn’t feel I had the right without asking. That was crazy, my memories of my Aunt are beautiful and I decided to share them. That writing, and one that I did on my Uncle had thousands of views but no comments or feedback. It was weird.

I finally figured it out. The people, the pages I posted to took the posting off their page after a matter of hours. Not all but two main pages. I guess I should have asked permission but it’s OK. I know when people are hurt it can evoke emotions that they or anyone else isn't used to. I completely understand and they know I didn't have but good intentions. I also hope my family will understand that I couldn’t make it to my Uncle’s funeral out of personal reasons. I can’t see other people hurting it saddens me and I get emotional. I wish that I fully understood and could explain but - I can’t. I’ve waved off funerals for the time being. I love them in my heart and I’m there in thought but actually attending - I can’t. To everyone out there, if you pass I'm not going but know I'm there in spirit.

I have been trying to see things with reason. I've been trying apologize to everyone that I owe one to and who I feel deserves one and forgive when I can. I’ve been a mad person lately and that's not me. I’ve changed from younger years. Back then I could forgive rather quickly because I’d get you really quickly. There was something about getting my hands on someone and the closure process. But today I’m too old and I'm learning to stay away from trouble even if closure is a long process. Any sort of relationship that has red flags I take as a potential toxic bomb, and there’s been enough of toxicity in my life the last several years. I'll let those others have at it because I'm fine and quite alright by me, with me, and for me.

I have so many things that are completed now. I am getting ready to do a couple projects, both of which are good for the community. One is non-profit the other is for-profit but both have components that are good for the community. One of the programs is being called, "The Mile Wide Smile Initiative" the other "ACFP". That isn't saying too much and I apologize but I'm hesitant so not to put any juju on them before they launch. I hope all is well and that you’re loving the one your with and there’s plenty of happiness in your life. Until I see you next time, take care and much loves to you!

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Exceptional Love, Aunt Connie

“A strong woman is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” - Unknown

Consuelo “Connie” Gutierrez DeLaGarza
September 5, 1943 – June 21, 2004

June 20, 2004 - I was in Irvine CA. at the Fleetwood Mac concert, Say You Will Tour. Stevie Nicks was in the middle of playing "Landslide" when the phone rang. It was my cousin Phillip DeLaGarza on the other end of phone and he simply said, "She just passed." My wife seeing the tears run down my face, grabbed my arm and said, "She's alright now, she's home."

My cousin was referring to his mother Consuelo “Connie” Guttierrez DeLaGarza, she was my Aunt, my Godmother, and my friend. Aunt Connie was an incredibly good woman, a kind loving woman. It’s such an easy thing to say when you’re talking about someone who has passed away. Especially, when the words are coming from her nephew, it’s the expected thing to say. But this assessment isn’t because I’m being cordial by no means, it’s because it’s true. I say, “an incredibly good woman” because she lived her life with honesty, integrity, and purpose. It was if she never tired from giving us all so much, all the time. Let's just say she was the anchor of our family.

When I was a child she loved on me with her words and actions. There wasn't a weekend I wasn't with Aunt Connie, Uncle Butch and my cousins. I was always there, every weekend because my Mother worked double shifts at Los Corrals for years. I can’t remember a time I wasn’t with them. My cousin Phillip and I were raised like brothers. I can recall Aunt Connie getting me ready, every Sunday night, for my Mother. She’d give me a bath, clip my nails, and Q tip my dirty ears. Every Sunday, while she did the routine her process, she’d tell me how much my Mother loved me, how much everyone loved me, and how, how much she loved me. This went on every weekend from birth until I was about eight or nine years old. Every Sunday, without exception, the same routine, then she’d let me watch The Sunday Night Disney Special.

Words can't describe the love I hold inside of her, for her, and because of her. As I got older, there were so many lessons that I realized that she taught me. One that shaped me was that my beautiful Aunt never once said a bad word about anyone. More importantly, she never said anything bad about my Mother. My Mother was connected to my Dad's side of the family through him and us. Aunt Connie was married to my Uncle Butch, my dad's brother. It would have been so easy to pull out digs about my Mother, because that's usually the human nature or chemistry of most people and families. But not my Aunt Connie, she made it a point to tell me, reassure me, that my Mother was a great hard working woman. Aunt Connie would always say, “Your Mother is a great woman, she loves you, and works hard for you.” Those were words from a healthy person who always seem to do what was right, they were words from an angel, my angel - my Godmother, my Aunt.

Dear Aunt Connie,

I look forward to the day I see you again. I know this goes without saying but please take care of my baby, Landen, and let him know how much I miss him. And if you could, in your words, like you used to do for me, tell him…”your Father loves you and misses you, everyone loves and misses you, and I love, love, love you so very much!”

PS – If I never told you, thank you so much for always loving me!

Michael A. Quijas

Monday, October 1, 2018


Dear St. John's University,
I am writing today in hopes that someone will take a minute to read this letter regarding a former student of St. John's University, John L. Cristofani, or as he was known to his family and friends, “Jack”. I never knew Jack because he passed away nearly 16 years ago before I became friends with his son Jim. This great man and his legacy continues to teach those of us who seek to be better people, live right, and who want to please God through our words, our actions, and our faith.

This December will mark the 16th anniversary of Mr. Cristofani's passing. Today Jack is my mentor and the biggest voice I have in my ear when deciding on the best road or direction, not just for me, but for everyone that I share this space of life with. That must sound odd coming from a man who will be 50 yrs. old in April, but it’s true. Mr. Cristofani was a great man whose unwavering moral fiber and impenetrable armor of goodness has outlasted his body and has extended well past those who knew him. The things he taught his children and those around him have changed my life. Jack lived a life that was about doing the right thing all the time, with no exceptions. Even if and when nobody is watching.

I send each of you this message today to inform you of the great teacher of life who once roamed the hallways and sidewalks as a student at St. John’s. A young man that grew into a great man that embodied all that the university had taught him and a student that kept growing well after he departed The Red Storm campus. A student that turned into one of the greatest teachers in - how to live life right. A man that has touched my life and has inspired me to be the best person I can, by living right and treating others with fairness.

Mr. Cristofani attended the university in the early 1950s before his father passed away and turned over the huge responsibility and title of man of the house. Well before getting married to his wife Miriam, fathering 5 children (John, Joseph, Regina, James, Thomas), putting all 5 through college, and giving his all as a salesman to Hackney & Son’s for 33 years. Unfortunately, the untimely death of Mr. Cristofani’s father forced him to enter the work force, out of survival, to feed his mother and siblings. The right thing to do but a move that left Jack just 10 credits short of his degree at St, John’s University.

It would be great if St, John’s University could donate those last 10 hours to make him whole, recognize or appoint Mr. Cristofani with his graduating class, or start a “What Would Jack Do?” Student Reward Program in honor of him that would highlight, recognize, and award students who do the right thing on and off campus. I asked this of you, without anyone else knowing before hand, because the degree was at his finger tips, before he went and did the right thing, working to ensure his family survived. But just as important, I think St. John's could seize the moment by staking it's claim to a man, their former student, and the endless marketing opportunities Jack could deliver for St. John's University. Let’s just say it would be the perks of having such an inspiring former student who continues to teach long after his departure and death.

I would be willing to put together the funding, if necessary for those last few hours, gather a petition of supporters if need be, or reach out to worldwide media outlets to announce the graciousness of St. John's and achievements Jack Cristofani, teacher and student of life. I would do whatever it takes to show how serious I and others would be if St. John's could somehow grant this wish in the near future. Please consider this letter and contact me at your earliest convenience if you would need any additional material.

Kind regards,

Michael A. Quijas
"What Would Jack Do?"
John. L. Cristofani Student