I guess you have to look at things the best way possible. I am so thankful that I don't have to depend on having to share a room or bed with someone that I don't love. I'm independent and have the ability to pick and choose where I place my head at the end of the day. If I had to lay with someone today, besides the one I love, I'd go mad, there's no ther words to convey. If someone tried to swoop a leg on me or touch me swear I'd vomit violently.
I can't imagine having to worry about getting caught on the phone or expressing myself truthfully and honestly about my hearts desire. Well if one really wanted to see my perspective or thoughts all they'd have to do is go online to this platform because I lay it all out on here. I am at the place to accept what is, and hope for what isn't right now. It might make sense or it might not, but it does to me.
I couldn't imagine having to settle for something that I know isn't right for me and my emotions. I am in love and for the moment I couldn't and wouldn't take anything that wasn't from my love. No kisses, no hands, no legs, or any other body parts touching me or passing off to be the one I truly love. It just wouldn't happen. My stuff is for just one and until I resolve that it won't happen because when I'm true for you its all for you.
It's funny to think that one would think that I'd be so stupid not to be able to put the pieces of any story together. Regardless if I was being told otherwise. The facts and the way things play out tell a story regardless if that story is being verbalized. I am pretty good at patching together fiction with nonfiction. I just pray for that person because I feel for anyone who might be having to do something just to have a warm place to sleep and stretch their legs. But then on the other hand I believe that if you think you only have one option in life that you're already losing because we all know unless you were 16 and pregnant or 17 and disabled that your choices may be limited but being a full grown and of adult age that there's always multiple ways to go than just one. Hopefully anyone in such a position knows that if you have a love who could figure out the resources and the escape route for you that you wouldn't stay away too long because love does have a way of dimming out over time and love lost is a wound that sometimes never heals.
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