From work, home life, or social circles we want to be wanted. I'll even go further and say it's nice to be told. It may be a subtle affirmation regarding the work we do or the effort we put into something. A pat on the back from a coworker who notices the box of doughnuts you picked up for the morning meeting. If you're a mother or housewife it may be as simple as someone in the home verbally acknowledging the clean sheets or socks. Or as a lover, your mate telling you how important your love truly means. Regardless, we want to be wanted.
Me personally, it's been a long time since I've received the pat, the acknowledgment, or the I love you. But sometimes in life you have to be humbled or starved, just a bit, so you can truly appreciate the small things that we all take for granted. My humbling has me taking a new look at things. On my second take in life, I will notice that person who wakes up early to do something nice, I will roll in my sheets a minute longer with great appreciation, and love a little deeper.
Being humbled and starved is the theory or philosophy you'll have to tell or sell yourself if you find yourself all alone. I tell you this, so you might, take a minute to do those things now and not wait for a second take like me. It's like a great novel. You only want to read about the man stranded on the island - you don't want to be the man stranded on the island! Just my thoughts.