When I lived in San Diego I would write for hours and hours. I have dozens and dozens of note pads with my stories that date back sixteen years. I also have hundreds of pages on my computer that I have titled and constructed into a book but I just don't like the flow. I've been trying lately to organize it in a manner that makes sense. Do I start from today and write or compile it backwards? Do I start from the beginning and move forward? I guess that's the art of being a writer. Take the time to write but also spend the time to spin it in a way that makes it appealing. Then find a way to get it in the right hands. Again it goes to show you when it comes to me and my own project I come up short but if someone else was to approach me with their work or project I'd have them on the best sellers list across the nation.
When I was 18 yrs. old I went to visit my parents who had recently moved to California. They took me to the beach and I was amazed at the beauty. The homes caught my eye. Dwellings whose backyard was an ocean. It was there that I had my first vision of being a writer. I could see myself in a room with the curtains flopping around from the wind, Steely Dan playing in the background, and me at a typewriter penning my book. I tell you this because I had that moment where I saw it. I heard it. And I smelled it. It was where I would be someday. Now I know it sounds crazy, but it happened.
I'm not sure if I'm a good writer but recently I found an old junior high newspaper and a story I wrote in there. It wasn't bad, especially for a young 13 yr. old with little experience and one who never made anything higher then a C average in English class. I also found my sports articles in the yearbook that I had written and thought to myself that those entries were pretty good as well. I had and still my have my own style of writing and I should be grateful for that. Not sure if anyone ever read my writings, or even my blogs today, but at least I'm writing. Reminds me of the Franklin Covey seminar I attended years ago. The speaker pointed out that if someone writes just one page a day for an entire year that they'd have a 365 page book a year later. Its taken me sixteen years to write 400+ pages.
I have an idea for a fictional book. It has to do with a mattress. The mattress is introduced in the beginning of the book because it's in an apartment where a homicide has been committed. The story follows the journey of the mattress in a low poverty neighborhood and all the bad that comes and surrounds the mattress. Similar to the Samuel Jackson movie "The Red Violin" that follows a violin through the centuries. My idea is to incorporate the same concept but fill in the story with my own experiences or storyline. I like short stories that blossom out of one story.
When my kids were young and we had every kid on the block at the house I would entertain the group by putting together different activities. We would go on rock explorations. Explorations that had us search for fossils in rocks, but more importantly, I would have the kids find a rock that they could paint. After they were done painting I would have them tell the other kids a story about where their rock came from. They would make up stories and create elaborate tales. Another project was story building. I would get all the kids together and we would create a story as a group. I would start it out and then they would build on to it. One I remember clearly was about a dirt road. We had a dirt road that oddly started in our sub-division and disappeared in & over a grassy hill on some vacant land. The kids, being too young to explore this real estate, could only assume where the road went. I was amazed by the creative and detailed stories that came about from these sessions. The mind is a beautiful muscle.
Well I am done for now. I have to figure out what my next move is. If anyone wants to give me an advance on my bestseller just let me know. I'm sure we can take the few dollars I'd get and go buy some items off the dollar menu at some fast food joint somewhere. Have a great day and use your mind, because the mind is a terrible thing to waste!