Kerry passed away this morning. She is in a better place this morning. Her body couldn't continue anymore. They called Kerry the butterfly and I think she is flying right now. Most of you know her because I've told you about her but if you would've had the opportunity to meet her you would have been impressed with her. She was beautiful, she was witty, and she was knowledgable about things. She told me one day while we were in Kaylee's room that God wouldn't give her more than she could handle. Kerry was right.
The last time I spoke with Kerry I told her I would throw a party for her. We would do it Latina style. Bands, food, and a fiesta. Her favorite band agreed to play and I was going to ask Fred Cannon at the Uptown Theatre if he would provide the stage. That night there must have been 20 people packed around and Kerry announced to the room "Michael Quijas is going to have a party for me!" That was my last night with her, the last night I talked and hugged her.
I am not sad right now. I feel relief she isn't in pain, on a respirator, or in a coma. She is with God and she is in paradise. I feel for the family but I'm glad grandma is here to help her cope with this horrible loss. Kiss your kids today and hug them tight. Sickness isn't anything we think we are going to have to deal with. It happens to others but I'm here to tell you that it can happen and it does happen. Thank you for the prayers and thank you for listening to me about my friend Kerry Magana.
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