John Ireland lives in San Diego and he was my boss. I was hired on at first to be the family driver. From there it lead to the shopper for the resort John owns in Cabo San Lucas. The resort is called Rancho Leonero and it is north of Cabo. A shopper is someone that does the purchasing for the resort. Boats, fishing gear, linens, and almost anything you could imagine. Then I became his assistant. Assistant might be too formal but I was like a son who did whatever I was told. John was gone out of the country on average of 3 weeks out of the month. So I was the guy that made sure things were taken care of in the States. I would move his daughter into college, I would pick up jewelry for his wife's birthday, or any other chore one might need someone to do if you were a busy man.
John was the biggest business man I have ever came into contact with. He had his hand in so many business deals that it was amazing just being in the same car, room, or plane. The influence was priceless. His business savvy was next to none but the kindness, generosity, and positive role model went well beyond admiration. It became qualities and attributes I set my sights on. I wanted and still want to live my life like he showed me. His actions and demeanor deeply impacted me and made me. He taught me that business accomplishments are only a fraction of what a man is measured by.
John taught me that being successful in business can happen to anyone but living a good and righteous life is something that takes more work. He believed if you treated everyone with respect and in a fair manner then good things would follow. My first impression of John, before I knew him, was that he made his money because he had money. But it was his teachings to me that money can be made from all walks of life. Good people, bad people, and lucky people can all catch a break. It was his belief that only fair and good people can sustain those good fortunes. If you do bad then it will eventually catch up to you. If you make all the money in the world but don't sleep well then you are only working on borrowed time. A well rested man dedicated to his family can preserve his wealth, health, and reputation by treating everyone with dignity.
John couldn't and wouldn't tolerate pompous individuals. If you thought you were above his limo driver, Michael Quijas, or any of his employees then he would tell you. I remember him telling one passenger that I was more important to him then any business investor because I looked out after him and his family. It made me feel good that he consider me the guard of the family Jewels. His family!
Well I wanted to share my story about the best person I've ever come across in my journeys. I never really got to say thank you to John because he would never have it. Sometimes you can offer someone a slice of bread if they're hungry for immediate relief or in certain circumstances you give someone something that lasts a life time. My time with John was a well of knowledge that has shaped me and directed me to be a great man. So John Rossi Ireland I thank you for teaching me how to be a better man, father, and husband. Thank you.
The picture above was taken on June 23, 1998, exactly 9 years to day that we got official results of Kaylee's cancer. For the record, I was suppose to hold that fish in the air when the picture was taken but my arms wouldn't allow it because I fought that fish for some six hours.
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