Have you ever noticed or witnessed someone taking their time to look good, smell good, or carry their self in the right way? My son for example takes more showers then anyone I know. They are quick but he loves to feel good. Christian also wears Cologne. He loves to smell good. He likes body spray. His trophy's are in order as is everything in his room. I feel so great as a father to watch him do all he can to feel and look good. I say this because it's Christian and I love him. If he liked to wade in the mud and smell a little stinky then that would be fine too. It just happens to be the opposite.
I remember my grandpa always looking really sharp. He wore a hat and always had a suit or tie on. He always looked so nice and proper. As a man today I appreciate people who have a certain style. I look at these people, those I know and some I don't, but always wonder where their sense of style came from. Was it their grandpa? Was it their dad? Does that impression rub off? Maybe someone made a decision as a child not to be like those he grew up around? Maybe someone was around smelly people as a youngster and decided to be the total opposite as an adult.
I for example made a decision that I would be active in my kid's lives. I strive to be a good father. I have faults and shortcomings but my life is my children. My father made a decision when I was a baby, he made a decision even before I was born, that his time and his life was more important then the family's. He decided that it was more important that he eat before his children. He chose to spend our last dollar on his needs. He made decisions that benefited him, not us. I've made the choice that I'm fourth in line when it comes to my family. There's three others in front of me.
I love my mother and I wonder if she ever watched in the background as I put Cologne on. When I feathered my hair did she smile. Did she cry when she noticed that I was equipped with a kind heart. Maybe my focus wasn't a clean and spotless room but maybe it was my kindness that demanded attention. Who knows.
Rumor has it that my sharp dressed grandpa worried that I was too caring. He warned my mother she should watch out for me because he thought that I might get hurt later on in life. Because I loved too much. How much of that is true I'm not sure. But maybe it was true and maybe he made that comment because he observed something special in me as I notice those special things in Christian, my son. Maybe my mom made a man that does care, who does notice good smells and certain styles, and occasionally cries from sadness and from happiness. Maybe my mom showed so much love to me and my sisters that I followed her lead. What ever the case may be, I love life, I love my family, and I just love to love.
I remember my grandpa always looking really sharp. He wore a hat and always had a suit or tie on. He always looked so nice and proper. As a man today I appreciate people who have a certain style. I look at these people, those I know and some I don't, but always wonder where their sense of style came from. Was it their grandpa? Was it their dad? Does that impression rub off? Maybe someone made a decision as a child not to be like those he grew up around? Maybe someone was around smelly people as a youngster and decided to be the total opposite as an adult.
I for example made a decision that I would be active in my kid's lives. I strive to be a good father. I have faults and shortcomings but my life is my children. My father made a decision when I was a baby, he made a decision even before I was born, that his time and his life was more important then the family's. He decided that it was more important that he eat before his children. He chose to spend our last dollar on his needs. He made decisions that benefited him, not us. I've made the choice that I'm fourth in line when it comes to my family. There's three others in front of me.
I love my mother and I wonder if she ever watched in the background as I put Cologne on. When I feathered my hair did she smile. Did she cry when she noticed that I was equipped with a kind heart. Maybe my focus wasn't a clean and spotless room but maybe it was my kindness that demanded attention. Who knows.
Rumor has it that my sharp dressed grandpa worried that I was too caring. He warned my mother she should watch out for me because he thought that I might get hurt later on in life. Because I loved too much. How much of that is true I'm not sure. But maybe it was true and maybe he made that comment because he observed something special in me as I notice those special things in Christian, my son. Maybe my mom made a man that does care, who does notice good smells and certain styles, and occasionally cries from sadness and from happiness. Maybe my mom showed so much love to me and my sisters that I followed her lead. What ever the case may be, I love life, I love my family, and I just love to love.
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