Maybe you know me, maybe you don't. Today I ask you to take a moment and read this whether you know me or not. Today I was at Children's Mercy Hospital with Kaylee and Tammie. Kaylee had to be put under anesthesia for the procedures she had to endure today. So much scar tissue has built up, she can no longer be awake for the needles and punctures.
While we were in there we ran into Kerry Magania's mother. You might remember Kerry in some of my earlier blogs. I had helped out in the Bone Marrow Drive. Kerry has relapsed and is fighting sickness. Kerry is a beautiful 15 yr-old child. She is struggling.
We were in the waiting room waiting for Kay and Kerry's mom was also waiting. We talked and her mom started crying. She said that it was so hard trying to work daily while her baby's health was declining. We talked about how it was so difficult trying to work. She said that her family consists of 2 other children besides Kerry. She had to make sure the bills are paid but would much rather be home making sure Kerry was waking up and being taken care of. Kerry like all kids are so tired. This blood disease is tiring. I listened to her tell us about her mother who lives in Honduras. She said that her mother has tried more than once to apply for a Visa but has be denied because they say this situation is not life threatening. It is! If this little girl doesn't have the proper care only a mother or grandmother can give then she is in trouble.
My heart ached. I want to help but don't know how. I called a State Representative while I sat there and he gave me a name in Emanuel Clever's office. This man is the one who might be able to help but who knows. If you read this and know or keep in touch with Julie Myers from high school, the Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security and Immigration Investigations, please give her my number. If you know someone with connections then please think about an angle to get this grandmother here. Comfort can create miracles!
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