On May 8th I shared a story with everyone about a Softball Team from Central Washington University. The article made me feel good so I wrote the University. I loved the kindness and the compassion that took place and I thought that I would drop a line to let them know. I never expected to hear back from them - but I did. Shortly after the University received my letter they responded and asked if Kaylee would be interested in becoming an honorary Wildcat. They would be sending the apparel. Soon someone else responded and told me they had shared my letter with the team and everyone was praying and cheering on Kaylee. Then last night I received a phone call from Mallory Holtman, the first baseman, who wanted to personally tell me how much my note meant to her. Out of all the talk shows and exposure she called me and Kaylee! Thank you Mallory, the call touched me and Kay! The story can be read on my blog or by clicking the link I've included. http://msn.foxsports.com/olympics/story/8091708?MSNHPHCP>1=39002 Here's what I wrote to the school and team.
My name is Michael Quijas and I have a child who is battling cancer, leukemia, since June 21, 2007. I read the story about your girls softball team just now and it made my eyes fill with tears. So many times we get caught up in winning and playing and forget about the real important issues in life. Those issues or important things are how or what you did during your day to make a difference. I am so proud of the players, the organization, and your school for producing such great individuals. So many times we say that there is no "I" in team and I agree, but certain times there are moments when that one "I" can fuel an entire team to greatness. That person may have been the coach, it might have been the first baseman, or may have been the team in general but someone in your organization became that "I" I hope my daughter gets the opportunity to be. Please let your girls know that there is 15 yr-old cheerleader, Kaylee Quijas, in Lee's Summit, MO (Kansas City) who is cheering for your team/school. Although Kaylee hasn't had the chance to attend a day of school this year, due to major sickness, we are glad to say that you and your students gave us something to cheer about here at home! This may seem goofy that I'm writing, but sometimes in life you get thrown a curve ball and it's what you do with it that makes a difference. I was mad for a moment when my child got sick but it opened my eyes, and it has made me appreciate life. This particular story compelled me to write and tell you how great it was for me to read about something so special and inspiring.
Michael Quijas
Lees Summit, MO
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