I write tonight to share with you the worst thing that I've had to do as a parent. We give Kaylee shots in her legs 3-4 times every seven or so days. Our shots are every night and it is about 3-4 nights with a break in between. Kaylee shakes, cries, and pleads not to get them. Tammie gives them and Kay grips me. I hold her tight and she screams from the shot. It is horrendous! It is the worst thing a parent has to do.
When the doctors do it it is part of the medical gig. When we do it is painful and personal. I hate it and no parent should have to hear their child scream and plead. This is not one immunization shot, not one flu shot for the season, or any of that minor stuff. We have to do it multiple times in the next few days. I hate it and I pray you never have to hear your child plead for you to stop hurting them. If it was anything besides her health I wouldn't do it. If she cried when I took her to school like she does with these shots, she'd be home tomorrow. If it was vegetables, she wouldn't eat another. If it was wearing shoes she would be shoeless. You get the point. You have a goodnight, I'll try.
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