Dreams are like fingerprints. Everyone has one, but each are different. Dreams are also multi-level. I have dreams for myself, and I also have dreams for those that I love. I have dreams for family and I have dreams for friends. They say that life ends when you stop dreaming.
I have dreams for my kids. I want them to be productive members of society. I want them to live life and enjoy it. My dreams for them don't include money or career, but peace and happiness. If either wants to be a stay at home parent then more power to them. If they want to pour the energy or sweat into a business then have at it. If one takes their talent to a non-profit for personal satisfaction then I'm happy. I just want my kids to be happy.
Tammie waited tables. She like to wait tables. It bothered me for years that she was content doing the restaurant thing. Then it dawned on me that she liked what she did. If you get dressed in the morning and hate your Fortune 500 Co., that's not living. If you can go to work and enjoy it, then you've got it figured out. Happiness.
I like what I do. I'm not told what is right or wrong. I get to carve my way by trial and error. Scary for most but liberating for me. I've always had Tammie on my side and with confidence. She believes in me. My parents have always had faith in me. They have invested in me time and time again. It is an investment in me so I can reach my dreams. That's what my parents have done for me and I'll do the same for my kids.
The guys that work with me, help me achieve my dreams. We are together because we all have a dream. It is a common dream. We want to be the best Digital Signage Company in the country. We want to travel and do business across the country. We want to provide a great living for our families. We are driven by this common goal and dream. We all work well together because we are a support system for each other during our ups and downs. They say no man is an island.
So chase your dreams and position yourself around people that can help you achieve your dreams. If you like what you do and others find fault in it, then choose your company wisely. Be aware that some people don't like to see others succeed. Go with your gut and pursue your dreams, because if you stop dreaming then you'll stop living!
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