My walk was short lived because of the cold weather. That poor dog was short changed again. It didn't look that cold from bed but it was sure brisk when I made my way outside. I'll wait awhile. I'm bored so I'll bore you with some quick thoughts.
We have several construction jobs going on this week and over the next several weeks. I am growing my business but have several headaches with the expansion. There are so many things to accomplish and some many details to concentrate on. I'm the one who usually handles the installs but have delegated this round of building to others. I'm a little manic over that decision. My days are unpredictable and feel that I should just step back.
Stepping back isn't bad but one might think that jumping in my be therapeutic. The problem is that if I jump in and get distracted for what ever reason I might drop the ball. That wouldn't be good. I am so uncertain about my days that I think I'm making the right decision. We'll see.
I'm starting a new web based business. My partners think that will be the best thing for me. I can create a business from just a thought. The business plan, the literature, and the execution is my talent. The real trick is to find the right person to sell your idea to others. I think when you start something from nothing it is hard to separate yourself from the critics or the no's. So finding that right person who can take a no thank you or that's the craziest idea I've ever heard and brush it off is priceless. When I go out and people can't see the value or the business in what you're doing is very hard for me. It's like insulting my baby.
I enjoy starting a business from scratch but get confused when it starts walking. InAd TV is starting to run and I enjoy watching the fruits of my labor payoff. So I'll keep you updated on my progress. Have a good day. http://www.inadtv.com/
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